First thoughts when you see this flag

First thoughts when you see this flag
all i think is about how they will dominate the world through commerce

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all i think about is all those fucked up videos of chinese people driving over knocked down pedestrians on purpose until they're dead or escalators crushing people to death and no-one helping them or shit like that.

the only reason i'm worried about them taking over the world is their complete lack of common human decency.

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this needs to end

a USSR wannabe that decide to ditch the whole thing and succeed in what they are good at

and what they are good at?


Making lead-filled pet toys.

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>complete lack of common human decency

Limeys don't need to worry about that. You never had any to begin with.

t. white sexpat

based and redpiled

They actually use biological warfare to attack the livestock of other countries to destroy their economy.
Look up african pig flu and how it """""""Found""""" a way in america from china. and not only in america but in the area with americas largest pig farms.

Customs had to confiscate a ton of bad pigs.

the chinese are also taking over both canada and australia

American butthurt.

they are just afraid

Given that China's own pork industry has suffered huge losses, this seems like a fairly self-defeating idea. So yeah, you're full of shit.

Not saying he is right, but do you really trust Chinese financial data?

Why not

There's only 50 news articles you can find in a few mouse clicks about this disaster.

They make up around 10% of Sydney's population I believe.

He's not wrong and it also extends to Americans, who are essentially the successor to the British empire. What your countries have done not only two the Chinese but to people all around the world gives neither of you room to talk about decency, morality or a general progressive vaule of human life. Yet you do, insufferable immune to self awareness.
Please hurry up and become a Mexican colony. The world could use a people less bloodthirsty in control of all of that weaponry of the American empire.

This coming from another country founded on extermination of the natives is beyond hilarious. Kek.

yea why not

you seem to forguet that the yuan is internationally valuated, trade cant be faked

and that as long as they can keep pretending that everything is fine everything is fine

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AHAHA thats rich

>let the market decide
>the market decides
>o fucking no

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America >>>> China

I read about it.
Basically they can get arrested for "practice medicine without license". Blame stupid laws, here in Brazil it's a serious infraction not stop to help someone in need (unless your life may be in danger). Part of our driver license classes consist of first aid and how to signalize for accidents.
Even tho we are a third world shit hole, every time i stop my bike in a high away, a couple of people stop and ask if i need some help (i am white tho).

How are sino brazilians relations doing under bolsonaro

Fuck off back to your country you slant eyed small dick fuck

>attack the livestock of other countries to destroy their economy
Why in the world would they do such a thing? Chinese are individualists who spare no cheap trick to get what they want. If they want money they'll sell you bad pigs, they don't want to undermine your economy, that's a side consequence of their constant gold rush

my first thought is that the american people no longer have the mettle to maintain global hegemony, and that’s a bad thing


>accuses others of lacking self awareness
>has none
If you thought things were bad under a British or American hegemony, just you wait until Chang fucks your little boi pussy red because there's no way in hell China will have you best interests in mind.