Saying "United States" vs. "America"

Why do people in Latin America and South America get so annoyingly buttblasted when somebody refers to the United States as "America", or its people as "Americans"? Seriously, every time someone on YouTube says America to refer to the US, there are super snarky comments saying "uh America is a CONTINENT, not a country... SMFH >:("... How are we supposed to refer to our citizens, as Usonians like Frank Lloyd Wright wanted XD?

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because latinx have a lot of complexes, this is one of them

That or columbians

Because America is the name of our continent. We're all Americans.

>The word 'America' comes from Amerigo Vespucci, an Italian cartographer.
>Vespucci explored the coasts of today Brazil and Argentina
>The first time the word 'America' appeared on a map was in the Waldseemüller map in 1507
>The name 'America' is placed on what is now called Argentina on the main map.

So...what's the relation between the US and Amerigo Vespucci? None!

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It does seem to be more the South Americans that do this, I've rarely heard Mexicans kick up a fuss unless they're the annoying college Chicano types

We don't call people from countries that belong to the European Union "Europeans". Anyways, you should be called confeds.

The United States is the main hegemon in the Americas, so what's your point? What sould the name of North America be then?

That's because every Mexican calls you gringo.

The EU is a loose confederation, and the states still have sovereignty. Besides, official EU actions are indeed described as "European", such as the European parliament elections and European-Russian trade relations.

i like the name burgers

It's the proper term for gringos

Which is in itself a bastardization of the term "griego", which means Greek. We're cool with it though. Pan-American is more appropriate in my opinion in describing all American nations, seeing that there's already a dedicated international institution called the Pan-American Conference.

It's one of the few pathetic ways for them to feel like they can snipe us on something. They are all 2nd world dogs. The lot of them!
Fuck them, until they are the modern rome they cannot talk.

Americans (USA) are the only ones on the American continent with "America" in their name though. Calling them "Americans" is just an easier way of saying "people of the United States of America". If Scotland became independent people wouldn't call them Brits anymore although they'd still be on Great Britain.

While I don't like to be an arrogant Yankee, it truly does reek of inferiority complex.


It's fucking GREEN GO, as in GO AWAY.

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we were the first independent nation from colonials so we got to choose our name first. get fucked latrinos

it's funny, originally the term "american" was used in a derogatory way by Europeans to associate American whites with the savages

> not understanding phonological evolution

C'mon, you're not helping your case now

Yeah, but the rest of the people in America (continent) are Americans too.
It's like if Congo changed its name to United States of Africa and claim only they have the right to be called 'African'.

Really? I honestly had no idea

I gotta agree with the other user that we did it first

The term America existed way before the Independence of USA. Universe didn't start in 1776.

Because the proper name of inhabitants of U*A are am*ricans

>uh America is a CONTINENT, not a country
>How are we supposed to refer to our citizens
U.S. citizens.

>Universe didn't start in 1776.
umm, excuse me sweaty

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No, what's the proper demonym, hans? USians?

Why, "Burgers" of course.

Because they are brainlets and don't consider north and south america separate

Ok, then why don't Canada and the Caribbean nations sperg out the way Hispanics do?

But that's a German thing XD

Kek. I'm just kidding, most of us here use "americans" the way you do, and are aware of the distinction. Can't speak for south- and meso-americans though, maybe they feel "forgotten" or something.

Haha funny, but what's the serious answer?

Some ppl think foreigners are forgetting them every time they say America or americans

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When is Brazil gonna become a great power? How is Bolsonaro doing you think? I though the BRICS countries were up and coming

No one ever calls those continents "America", at best they are called "the Americas". Fucking new worlders.

Latin Americans do haha.

But we're not green?

It's North and South America to English speakers though.