Today is 18th of March. 103 years ago today, Gallipoli campaign ended and we wiped the floor with anglo blood

Today is 18th of March. 103 years ago today, Gallipoli campaign ended and we wiped the floor with anglo blood.

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*wins anyway*

Nice *nglos are scum

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That was the Ottoman Empire, not Turkey. You are only Turkey because you lost the war.

*defeats you in war*
*dismantles your empire
*allows for mass zionist migration into palestine*

heh nothing personnel

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27. Regiment, had a pivotal role in first day of the amphibious assault. Killed couple of thousands of Anzac soldiers in the first day of the battle and lost 900 men itself. This was the first blow to the Anglos.

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my grandfather is from Gallipoli, Apulia

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Does any other cunt we wuz as hard as t*rks?

who do they LARP as? Turkic Steppe warriors?

27. Regiment flag on "Bloody Ridge".

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Ottomans, hittites, black people

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You're no Ottoman, you're probably some k*rd or t*rk

Ottomans, mostly.

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ruhları şad olsun kardeşim. yine göt yanıkıcı bir tirad açmışsın. anzac tohumları kudurmuş.



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Based BLACK MAN showing angloid his place

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