Why are north africans racist with africans

Attached: north african with african.jpg (594x330, 58K)

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What's wrong with that?

racism is the spice of life

In contrast to Europe and North America, they don't teach in North Africa and the Middle East that racism is a bad thing, therefore you won't get shit IRL if you say racist shit. People don't like to talk about it here in the west but it's true, it's clearly not safe for Blacks to go in say Algeria, you will get weird looks.

t. Algerian

Even niggers hate niggers

I dont hate niggas krakas niggas and others it's just fun

good thing the old fart is stepping down and algeria can finally join the 21st century

This. He did a good job during the 90s but we need a healthy leader now.

Rentrez chez vous band de gnoules

because they are a vile and hypocrite rat like race


t. bougnoule parasitique

Funny thing is that most of north africans have BLACK blood

Didn't arabs castrate their african slaves?

The men yes, but they still had children with women

Suce ma bite, Jean-Pierre.
>Source : my ass

we are not racist, i've seen the number of black people get a tenfold increase in the last decade, there is also a neighborhood with a black people majority in casablanca and i see no problem about that, most people tend to joke with them in the streets.

Attached: JUJUJULO.jpg (800x450, 55K)

prends un trip bougnasse, au lieu de te faire passer pour un français

Faire le nègre de maison ne change rien Mamadou
Les gwers ne t'aiment pas même si tu es chrétien

Sale nègre

Why would anyone do that.

T. Yacine Brahimi, pure algerian bvll

Je t'ai dis de me sucer la teub sale babtou.
>t. Quebecnigger

We are not lol
our most famous president is a black man

Money and natural resources are scarse, sub-Saharans are easily identified as belonging to 'another group'.
It's just nature.

Nasser wasn't black

Attached: 0007977_gamal-abdel-nasser.jpg (434x575, 60K)

Pharaohs were famously black

No racism is bad

Hardly as sinister as white peepo


" women spit when we walk by " at 1:15 lol

does it make any sense people from MENA claiming Europeans are racist while themselves are racist with the blacks?

>does it make any sense people from MENA claiming Europeans are racist while themselves are racist with the blacks?
Yes. Everyone wants the best for themselves. That's just nature. Don't assume white people are different under the same conditions!

People who are in the border between races area (north Africa, south Europe, east Europe, central Asia, India, south China, southeast Asia, Latin America) tends to be racist because that's the area where ethnics either intermingle or clashes, depends on situation

In peaceful times the lighter skinned people ethnic integrate with their darker / chinkier counterparts

In era of conflict, ethnics fight with their whiter / darker / chinkier counterparts, each claim to be pure unmixed people of their representative race (Spain claim to be unmixed with Moors, Turks claim to be unmixed with Greeks, American mutts claim to be pure white unmixed with natives or blacks, etc.)

Attached: 1548330838646.png (1866x1071, 118K)

it's clearly biased you stupid brainlet, they've definitely put some journalism licence in this and these two niggers are paid actors.

Attached: e61.png (680x788, 117K)

The deep state remain and the will put a "young" and "dynamic" leader who will continue the same politics.

>why do wh*toids hate non wh*toids
damn bro i dunno lol thats a completely new concept desu

because they aren't cucked like most of the west

Also ethnic which want to be integrated to other race, would usually use this rhetoric to get accepted by perceived purer ethnic : "we ___ was white before ___ invade us (add in picture of the lightest looking people from darker race, compared with the darkest looking people from whiter race)

For example "we Berber / Persian was white before Arabs invade us"

>why do north africans do X
>thread full of french flags

damn, that was the only good thing you had going for you

Don't be silly Pierre. We can't be racist against our own people.

Attached: ibliss ennziz.gif (425x481, 1.51M)

welcome to int

I thought they were getting BLACKED out in France? All the beurettes stuff