Yay or nay??

Are you a gamer? How do you feel about the current targeted actions to move games on blockchain?

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Soulless cash grabs mostly. Even bigger scams than cheap mobile games. But potentially someone could make an interesting game that uses a blockchain someday.

after cryptokitties, kittycash made a cool intro, now others wanna launch their own games like -goGame on eth network. definitely blockchain got the attention of gamers. that was the purpose anyway, cryptozombies on their way too

No, I'm not a child.

Who's paying you people to do this?

why on earth are they all over eth network when it s so flawed??! actually, u know what? better. let them all sink together.

Told you sooo mamy times skycoin has the superblockchain ready now. Ain't saying more. Do your research

It can be a new gaming system which could work, buy it has to come with something new on the market. What blockchain can bring is a distributed ledger system providing game developers and gamers a compensating system. As far as I know cryptokitties, kittycash already has in place this system.
It would be interesting to start other type of games as well on the blockchain.

Right now it;s all about digital assets, some go crazy about kittycash, other about e-sports players. Don't knwo how fun the games are though, but I ll try at least to keep up with the trend

there are other games already but not on a 3rd generation blockchain (and more to come)

>>targeted actions to move games on blockchain

the reasons for their action is because of decentralization and transparency. Yeah. Right.

Aha. eth blockchain sucks at it, eth state is so crammed that no temp improvisation will solve that, not to mention how hard will be to play any game on that. u don t have to believe me, look back when cryptokitties were popular

If I recall correctly, Synth in one of the interviews is talking about developing the blockchain, they have elaborate plans for video games beside the new version of cryptokitties, kittycash.

yes, but we are talking about the 3rd generation blockchain. I was considering that there should be more investment coming from the developers

It would be cool for example to utilize the blockchain to maintain an updated gaming catalog, where developers can continue to create video games, while receiving the recognition of users, and they would be able to search for and identify their favorite game developers to see what latest projects they have out.

>>network congestion is leading to transaction backlogs = fucking high fees
>>stop using centralized blockchains

synth kinda foreseen this enough time ago to prepare everything for the crash, his ideas are so relevant and because he was coding for btc he has some insights that makes him highly qualified

these blockchains are going to die in the coming years. developer here. not a brilliant one but damn sure huston has a problem

As long as it protects women in gaming from the basement dwelling white male misogynists that make up the majority of gamers, I'm all for it.

Games (and art) are a way to connect new innovations with a larger audience. So yeah, I think it's important.

You mean, protect women from the general Jow Forums audience?

everytime I think of it another thought comes out in the light.. any released game can be forked if I dont like a game I can go my way. But if I m a game dev, what then? Gamers gaing control over my own game? I like the freedom and transparency but not the injustice

why do half of the posts itt sound like they've been run through a chink-to-english translator
i like blockchain gaming... actual blockchain gaming. stuff like ethergoo, fomo3d, chickenhunt; basically a ruleset you explore and devise your strategy to maximise your returns (god forbid the poor souls who don't understand there's no way to win if you click on a frontend like a dumb mobile game, though)
but fuck sad collectible games, that shit is pathetic

Sky offers a whole range of applications, gaming is one of them. I like this broad range and I like the gaming as a way to attract larger numbers of users.

Having virtual items with real ownership makes block chain video games pretty awesome. Like Kittycash, and the potential profit you can gain for it. I think the future of video games is somewhere in this area, depending also what kind of platforms the coins are coming with.

Here's a heads up from an actual game developer (former AAA, now indie):
>Gaming crypto projects that attempt to introduce a payment and/or reward system that circumvents the App Store, Playstation Store, Steam, etc payment system will get the game rejected by Apple/Sony/Valve/etc. Those projects are dead in the water.
>Projects that aim to tokenize in-game items in order to provide "true" ownership for players, aren't going to find any mass adoption either. In-game items that are stored on the blockchain, thus can't be changed by the developer sound like a nightmare. Imagine a weapon that turns out to be overpowered that can't be nerfed by the devs. Or even worse, maybe some in-game item causes a game breaking bug and there's nothing the dev can do to fix it.
I've researched all the major game crypto projects a couple of months ago like ENJ, MGO, GAME, FLIP, etc and I don't see a future in any of them.

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In order to create fake hype the Pajeet will start with a new thread and reply to himself using different IDs so that it looks like a real conversation between real human beings. In fact he will often even spam several threads at once in order to make it look like there was a real vibrant discussion on this board. In truth it is never more than one single Pajeet and I have jet to encounter a case with two Pajeets shilling one coin.

These fake threads are however easy to spot. Whenever you read them you will notice that something does not seem to be right. You will have that feeling that something important is missing there. Because the Pajeet still is in many aspects nothing more than an upright walking ape he continues to be only capable of the most savage of all emotions. All his threads and replies are characterized by nothing but greet, the denial of all fear and an animalistic hate for everyone who disagrees with him.

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