
>Does your country fear the rise of the Red Dragon?

No, we welcome it

Attached: xi-personality.jpg (800x504, 53K)

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I wish these 50 years would be over already. I want to be inside China NOW.

We preferred East Germany.

More debts

are you not part f china already? t . brainlet

Still a special administrative zone with it's own sort of autonomous government.
I want D I R E C T R U L E F R O M B E I J I N G.

Are there many gay twinks in HK?

We welcome it. We have the best relationship with China out of any Western country.

no, they are the only ones who agree to swap our pesos even if they lose money

Attached: chinasavemefromwhatibecome.jpg (635x631, 44K)

>Gay Twinks
No need to repeat your self, user. Anyway, do mean like those that are for service or twinks in general? Latter is somewhat common, while for the former, go to the escalator place which I have forgot the name of or temple street, most hookers are from there, and I assume gay ones are too.

Not really. There were talks that chinks would repair some of the infrastructure here including the railways.

No. If anything that could kill Japan, we'll welcome it with open arms.

user asks only the most important questions as always

more like yellow locusts

t. Island monkey

t. Jason "gas stand night shift god" Zhang


no, we welcome our new Chinese overlords and will work for them to undermine the European Union from within

Attached: Xi Jinping Marcelo.jpg (1920x1080, 192K)

Macaron has no problem selling our nuclear turbines to americans but somehow sperg about chinese investments.

US. Everyone here jealous of them and just chant USA USA and say they’re a paper tiger. I hope they bring education to africa and stop their excessive breeding. I’m pretty fine with China being the dominant superpower myself though.
I’m not Asian btw. Well I’m mestizo so technically you could say my ancestors came from Asia but whatever I’m just saying I’m not a shill

a little bit


I personally don't give a shit, they aren't braindead neoliberal zealots so I'll take China over the US any day. Everyone here is clearly jealous of them though, especially Elon Musk shills.

>they aren't braindead neoliberal zealots


>undermine the European Union from within

Missing us already?

For what purpose? You have more rights than the mainlanders.

you're still our greatest ally tbqh

Attached: Portugal e Britannia - aliados eternos.jpg (354x553, 82K)

No, we welcome it