Interesting Language Thread

So, I'm a guy who likes languages, I'm really into linguistics.
I'm actually bored with the languages i'm learning, and I want some really nice langnicotine.
Leave some language suggestions in here, try to avoid hard languages like every finno-ugric language (Finnish, Estonian and Hungarian).

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 58K)

La esperantan lingvo estas tre facila!

lol, mi sciias kiamaniere paroli la esperantan.
Efektive, la esperanta estis la unua lingvo kiu mi lernis.

Koreans and Visits were low iq and got rid of Han characters

Attached: KoreanischeHomophone.png (504x900, 39K)

Mongolian script is kino.

Attached: mongolian-script.jpg (579x559, 30K)

What languages are you currently learning?

I already know how to write hangul, Although I have never considered learning korean, it would be really interesting due to it being agglutinative and an SOV language.
I have, it's basically arabic on drugs.
Currently, Mandarin, Japanese, and French.
I'm trying to learn Dutch, and my french teacher is actually moroccan, so he know arabic, but I don't know if it's Darija or Standard Arabic.

fuckinh typo, it's "knows arabic" (I don't want to look like I don't know english)

Thai/Lao is pretty fun and fairly easy if you have already mastered mandarin tones. The scripts add a bit of challenge since they are written without spaces and have the vowels in odd places but its nothing compared to memorizing 汉字。Khmer is interesting too in a weird way although its usefulness is debatable.

chinese writing is low IQ bullshit. only low IQ brainlets like you are impressed by unnecessary complexity

He’s a chink studying in the states. What can you expect.
He probably gonna cheat his quiz for today again, you could see how hard he tried to fit his scribbles of retardedly complex letters in a tiny memo pad lol.

>coming from the country where the SAT had to be canceled for a time because of rampant cheating

in canada, chinese students are always cheating. they even have their own little networks where they copy projects made by other chinese students from previous semesters

>t. Zhang
Read Students of no other nationalities can remotely come close to chinese students in the level of cheating.

>I'm actually bored with the languages i'm learning, and I want some really nice langnicotine.

you better not be the mexican learning german

because german is the patrician choice

>learning 3 fucking langs at the same time

what are u thinking mane? how can u even enjoy all of them? you seem like you have a short attention span

>unnecessary complexity
That's where art is born.

Attached: Jizhiwengao_xqf.jpg (1070x350, 177K)

What language is that?


Attached: 1552843861162.jpg (800x450, 37K)

I find Mayan script fascinating. The only complete indigenous writing script of Americans (not hieroglyphic). Logographic (like Chinese) and in continuous use from as far back as 3 BCE to the 17th century. A whole civilizations written stories, discoveries, achievements and history burned by the Spanish except for a few scraps left.

Attached: Láminas_8_y_9_del_Códice_de_Dresden.jpg (1200x1343, 623K)
