wacky bruce edition
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Mosque parking ticket edition
the 'friend
All the time.
Are you ready?
Can’t imagine unironically not living off the government
is that homealone
What happened to Hitler's dog
I fall in love too easilyyyy
homo sovieticus probably ate it
Hitler shot her just before he killed himself
don't care
jog on
went to go live on a farm
Who's the tranny on the right?
Reminder: the ugly manlets on the left and right are her boyfriends
There is hope for us all. You just have to be confident, bro and dig deep.
fell over and banged my head and went from a chad to a virgin freak personality instantly
Are the sixth scoop too
She is slightly horse-faced but I wouldn't kick her out of bed. If you want an absolutely perfect woman with no flaws, stick to your Chinese cartoons or buy a sex doll.
went on adventures
if somebody told you i was actually nuts they lied
lucky. all i got was a seizure
*poos on your porch*
/brit/ is stuck in a time warp, all the innovative young memesters moves to YouTube and Instagram
The slow capitulation of the big talking Brexiters is a sight to behold. No more grandiose Post-Brexit dreams. All their hopes have faded as the undeniable reality of their mistake becomes clearer and clearer.
Lucky Ali
I'm not into surface reality anymore
Just found bacon in my quran, what the fuck?
>I'm 28 and still an undergrad since 2009
Feeling bad for that woman
is there anything more based than a tree lined boulevard lads
literally took my uni an entire year to build this but well worth the effort methinks, goes all the way to the hills in the back
self induced solitary confinement
read dog years by gunter grasse it's great and about this family that claim to have the sire of hitler's dog
what an inane concept
me on t'way t'pit
Who are you quoting?
That's what psychologists and psychiatrists are mate.
>get in altercation with the po-lice
>act super unhinged and nuts
>they take you to the psych ward
>get evaluated
>you have the depression
rinse and repeat a few times (part of why I can't do certain things legally)
Anybody who has experience with the genuinely mentally ill knows i'm not crazy.
borderline psycho maybe. not crazy.
that's just part of it and very humerous part actually, you clearly know nothing of grass's style
very insensitive to miners as you are very likely a privileged soy
some retard on reddit
Btw this is me except 2 years difference
Tim's off on one again lads
depression is the IBS of mental "illness"
just something they say when they have no idea but need to say something
don't cheat on your wife fellas
One day Tim's going to pop up on the news having killed himself.
Ah yes you are perfectly sane schizo
>privileged soy
not southern
Cringe. I hope he starves during Brexit.
Anyone here been to a therapist?
How'd it go?
*pulls up the “emmett” file*
*crosses out “psycho”*
*writes down “crazy” and circles it twice*
>depression is the IBS of mental "illness"
You don't know what a fucking "schizo" is
Catyank is fucking schizo
Vile whores
3 2 1 4
>Anyone here been to a therapist?
I am a:
-mid-night toker
8/10 (dropped to 6 because of tattoo)
I want to fuck her then kill her but that's just me
(not a racist)
>chebzilla last
>UK’s first deep coal mine in over 30 years given go-ahead in Cumbria
thatcher frothing at the mouth
The second has ugly fake tits
This girl I fucked is arranging a “show of support” at the local mosque this week. Apparently she was inspired by that dickhead with the sign in Manchester. I looked on the Facebook event for it, her and about 15 other white women and one Indian dude are going to head over to the mosque in the evening and stand outside with plaquards for an hour.
Just seems patronising as fuck to me, would tell all the little virtue signallers to fuck off if I went to that mosque.
>(dropped to 6 because of tattoo)
dumb crossposter
what phenotype is this
got a stronger jaW Than me ffs
Unrehabilitatable nose picker here too
Just learned crab mugar
no way 2 is better than 3 even before taking marks off for tattoos
The thing is I have no job and no gf so I have a whole lotta time to fucking sit at home, drink/do drugs and fucking lose my shit on the internet.
>virtue signallers
oo the white noise is back
someone recommend a good joe rogan podcast to watch
need to clean my desk, it's well dusty
Six before, five after
Can't explain that
the joe rogan experience
*creates an elaborate machine to shoot myself in the head*
nice picture homo
>coming at me when you're obese
oh no im so scared fat boy
absolutely vile
just gave myself a naughty hair cut
The thing is...