Please britain answers this

please britain answers this

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Greece and Spain not quite grasping the idea behind asking a question.

They don't take many showers because it isn't very relaxing to be cooked and frozen at the same time

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based greece

>english is a greek dialect

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>"Is England a country or a city?"

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>english is a greek dialect

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>the city of england

Based Germans

Czech republic with the hard hitting questions

>English is a Greek dialect

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>english is a greek dialect

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>England is my city

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It's a poem.

why are austrians so stupid?

Greece is incredibly big brained. Do a lot of people not get the GB/UK/England distinction?

>IRL: What do Scottish people look like?
Ugliest in all of UK. Evens worse diet and lack of sunlight than the rest of us.

>POR: Why are the English crybabies?
We are? Never heard that stereotype before.

>SPN: The English are strange.
Yes, that is true.

>FRA: Why do we call the English rosbif?
We like roast beef, traditional as part of a Sunday roast dinner. Also. possibly because we don't tan well (we go bright red).

>NTL: Why are the British so ugly?
Look whos talking! I've always though the only people in EU as ugly as us are the Irish and the Dutch.

>GER: Why are the British so stupid?
We're about as inteligent on average as much as our EU peers (I think).

>CZE: Englishman are sailors
Well, we are surrounded by water.

>HUN: Why do English put milk in their tea?
Depends what type of tea you drink. The most common type here (english breakfast tea) is nice with a bit of milk.

>AUT: Is England a country or a city?

>ITL: Why are the British dirty?
I don't think we are. Funnily enough over here people from the Mediterranean some times get stereotyped as dirty/smelly.

>GRE: English is a Greek dialect
I guess in a way it is.

>POL: Why is British flour so strange?
It is? What does Polish flour look like?

>LIT: Why do Engliush drive on the left
That's just how we roll.

>FIN: Why are they called 'Britain' in the olympics?
We compete together as part of a sovereign nation instead of individual countries for some reason. I guess its because the Olympics is old than most sports and more traditional or something.

>SWE: Why two flags?
One is UK and the other is only for England.

>DEN: Why do judges wear wigs?
Tradition I believe. I think it was influenced by fashion in elites in UK and Europe who believed wigs to be essential wear at the time (about 17th C).

>Also. possibly because we don't tan well (we go bright red)

Part of the reason why rosbif is a nickname yeah
Dutch and British tourists burn like hell, most Scandis are ok though

>AUT: Is England a country or a city?
it's state or region, isn't it?

post it pls

Scandis aren't white, so that's why.

Makes sense

>the city of England

>LIT: Why do Engliush drive on the left
>That's just how we roll.
Comes from jousting afaik. Having the right hand on the inside.

Englishmen are sailors,
and address ladies "miss".
but what I need to say,
they are bad with ortography.

The first mistake is,
they write "I" and read "ay",
that's as if they wrote "květen",
and read it as "máj".

I feel sorry for them, mainly for the kids,
so much work around it.
I had to write just 3 sentences,
and I thought I'd die.

What a horror the learning of just few words,
let alone few pages.
And in their land every little child,
has to be an Englishman.

England is my city

Czechs cannot grasp the concept of having a coastline

>Never heard that stereotype before.

By the way if you're wondering WHY the Brtis put milk in tea its because to make tea good you have to boil the water but back in the olden days most poor people owned shitty quality pottery/china cups that would often crack when boiling water was poured into them. Milk was added to cool it down a bit and thus a taste was developed. Also the milk cancels out the nausea feeling some people get from drinking tea on its own - this is also why there is a habit of eating biscuits with tea.

>Do a lot of people not get the GB/UK/England distinction?

We learn it at school, but it's kind of stupid if you think about it.

English people hate the EU and want to leave it, but when Scots say that they want to leave the UK, suddenly it's a huge issue and we can't have that. Hypocrites much. And why is it even called "Brexit", as in "British exit"? Great Britain is just an island, the UK is the name of the nation, so they should call it "ukexit" or something. It's fucking stupid, nobody should ever said "Britain" or "Great Britain" if they mean "the UK" anyway