U're cunt

>u're cunt
>Is your army useless and your police and health sector understaffed?
>Are your political parties retarded and your cities shitholes?

Attached: 1552371931189.jpg (720x720, 27K)

>u're cunt
>Is your army useless and your police and health sector understaffed?
>Are your political parties retarded and your cities shitholes?
Beyond yes

bigger yes

yes to all


The Bundeswehr is completely and utterly useless. The Us Army is far from it

Dual citizen, flag as well as Brazil

USA no, yes
Brazil yes yes


I expected a german flag, but close enough I guess

Seems to me like a bunch of pampered drama queens in here.

>white army
>mutt army filled with negroes
>far from useless
Is that a self own?


Bunch of asinine candy-asses

Is it fucked because of the conservatism meme or because of the sandnigger meme?

>weebshit retard opinions

>Army is good but I dont think they will be efficent against Russia or Iran. Health sector is awful (Half of doctors in Azerbaijan isnt Azerbaijani)

Health is understaffed
Political parties are reaching italian levels of retarded lately
Cities like paris grenoble and marseille arr shitholes mostly because of shitskins
Rest is fine

I guess I won't have to add anything

Our bureaucracy is beyond irredeemable and our politicians are only good for meme compilations

Our army is a joke, our police force even more so

at this point Austria could invade us succesfully.

Ou police is neat tho at least

Oh, forgot to add
> health sector
Unironically very good, personally I don't really have any complaints about it

>Are your political parties retarded and your cities shitholes?
political parties aren't retarded, they only care about having power, not fixing the country
the thing is, if a party wanted to fix the country it wouldnt be popular. its the voters fault at the end. political parties spend their entire campaign trying to tick as many boxes as possible and trying to make their opponents look bad.

Nope :)
Well lots of parties are copies of other parties just with different people in them and a slightly different opinion about a minor subject.




punished emu
army not understaffed but not strong either, police is ok and health sector is understaffed
pollies are pants on head tarded
cities are nice but most CBDs look like be*jing

>our army used to carry Austrians and still wins wars
>yes our health sector is understaffed
>political parties worse than yours I can guarantee it
>cities depends on which

At least you have a mommy president

>Austria complaining about anything

>u're cunt
>Is your army useless and your police and health sector understaffed?
yes, the army has been taken over with all diversity quotas for "muh females". the police are ok and the health sector is sorta understaffed.

>Are your political parties retarded

>and your cities shitholes?
not really

Yes, all of the above