Fell for the greatest country on earth scam

>fell for the greatest country on earth scam
>moved here six years ago
>realized I fell for a scam
>ugly country
>terrible weather
>terrible politics full of 'in your face' corruption, no one gives a shit
>hateful, toxic, pretentious people leading to a hateful, toxic culture
>terrible economy that's literally a giant scam built on nothing
>sky high taxes on EVERYTHING
>cost of living through the roof
>no local culture to speak of other than getting blackout drunk
>locals hate every other country in the world (especially those that are objectively better in every way like Canada and Norway) and live in denial thinking Germany is the greatest thing that ever happened to the world
>shit internet worse than most third world countries that's super expensive
>cold, antisocial locals who all have zero social skills bordering on autistic
>lazy as fuck locals who have no motivation to contribute to society in any beneficial way
>SJWs everywhere but no one walks the walk, hypocrisy is a way of life actively encouraged in the culture
>EVERYONE born locally is a miserable prick

I regret coming here so fucking bad. I'm moving back home to poland in a few days and never ever in my life am I ever setting foot in this shithole ever again. Never going to buy anything made here either. Fuck Germany and fuck Germans. Biggest fucking shithole in the world. I'm literally counting the days till I get home...

Please don't fall for this giant fucking scam like I did. All the shit you hear about Germany that's positive is just a facade maintained by the government, it's all a giant fucking lie.

Attached: w55dv1mo08b11.png (1280x768, 68K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Hi Deniz.

lol retard

did I destroyed your illusions?

>cold, antisocial locals who all have zero social skills bordering on autistic
i want to move to northern europe but i probably wont because of this

this makes me really happy

finally one polack less shitting up the place

You are doing this shitass threads every fcking week you braindead polack. I thought you already returned to Poland, you fcking brainlet


All of Western Europe is like that. Insanely overtaxed shitholes with limited freedom compared to the US. Not only do they make less money, but somehow everything is much more expensive than America.

>terrible politics full of 'in your face' corruption, no one gives a shit
>hateful, toxic, pretentious people leading to a hateful, toxic culture
>terrible economy that's literally a giant scam built on nothing
>sky high taxes on EVERYTHING
>cost of living through the roof
>SJWs everywhere but no one walks the walk, hypocrisy is a way of life actively encouraged in the culture

this sounds exactly like britain
fuck this place

Hi Giannis


Attached: 7c18c48d-978e-4fb7-8101-a54069d3d167.jpg (700x602, 37K)

Why would you expect Germany to welcome a filthy Turk like you?

But we have fwee heawf cawe and cewl owd buwdings constructed in 1471.

>Never going to buy anything made here either.
You couldn't afford it anyway

You're free to die for Israel

Integrate and become protestant

Well, the German was not born in the loveliness of a sunny landscape, not in the carelessness of an inexhaustible soil. Neither land nor landscape gave him full peace or dreamy cosiness. It is the German fate, never to be allowed to live in gracious opulence, but to have to fight for the smallest possibility of joy. That demands his face and his soul. Anyone who goes through Germany will find more furrowed and torn facial expressions than smooth and satisfied, smiling faces. And in the German soul storms rage with equal violence, as they stir up the northern sea through which its ships sail. Scantiness and longing have made the Germans brooding, lonely and combative. Therefore, whoever wants to win the Germans must promise him an earth and a heaven full of battle.

Satisfied peoples, who know nothing of longing, have never understood why the German ponders and thinks, why he prefers thinking over enjoying. In the eyes of herd-men, consciously Germans have something demonic, something possessed.

Well known fact. You should've known this before you came here.

Attached: cringe.jpg (598x415, 60K)

gute heimreise

imagine being this butthurt

I wouldn't mind cold but people lacking social probably


based go back to your shithole

Imagine thinking you're a badass just because you're born in the Caliphate, when in reality you're just a sac of overbred shitlords who had to take a dozen beatings before you chose to sepuku and culturally replace yourselves

It's from a book written by Kurt Eggers called "von der Heimat und ihren Frauen" (1935). Sounds better on German of course. English is too primitive to explain how the German soul works.

Attached: kurt-eggers1.jpg (598x903, 126K)

France is more fucked than Germany. What do you even want from me? France is pretty much a failed state. No chance that you will ever recover. While Germany arises again and again and again, no matter what happens.

>who had to take a dozen beatings
Napoleon please.

Attached: 1-die-proklamierung-des-deutschen-kaiserreiches_detail.jpg (600x498, 58K)

>like Canada

Attached: 1549402965899.png (330x319, 188K)

Your country is facing demographic collapse, ours isn't.


Yea, because black and muslim "Frenchmen" are breeding like rabbits.

Meanwhile in Paris:

HAHAHAHA. It's really a great country you have there.

Muslim riots in Paris:

Paris metro:

The only leftover "culture" of France is the crossaint. Can't make this shit up.
You country is absolutely broken. Don't deny it.

Average native Frenchwoman still has 1.88 children, the highest in Europe but yeah let's talk about the arabs who aren't included in that stat. Stay cucked germans

>Average native Frenchwoman
What does "native Frenchwoman" mean?
The average native Frenchwoman is a nigger and/or a muslim. Don't lie to us, filthy Frenchie.

Attached: image.adapt.480.low.frmuslims1.1421442650330.jpg (480x300, 129K)

You're missing the point.
You're still being outbred by Algerians and Niggers 2.5:1, yet you still live with the delusion that you're the next Poland

The native Frenchwoman in the case of this research was one living in all of France (including oversea territories) but who had 4 French grandparents. In any case we're being out-bred slower than other European countries, and integrating them faster, we'll have way less issues down the line than Germany will.

It's not rocket science, we just subsidize marriages and children a lot. If you can have both a career and ch

*children, then even modern women don't mind having kids.

>but who had 4 French grandparents
Those could be 4 black French grandparents as well. Being French doesn't automatically means being white. It includes niggers and muslims.

Attached: 1953371.jpg (600x383, 55K)

who the fuck would want to be the next Poland lmao

I as a native german can only agree,get out of this hell hole as soon as possible,I will leave soon too,good luck user

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I am sure he means in terms of anti-immigration policies and conservatism.

>we French niggers have the highest birth rate in Europe

Attached: French people.jpg (1179x641, 679K)

my question still stands then

Canada is SHIT and its hell. Country full of potheads and deadbeats , Chinks buying up all property artificially inflating prices :((( Cant wait to leave

and here I, a Pajeet, was thinking that US is shit and I need to move to Yurop cause all these Yuropean anons seem funny.

Holy shit immigration exists, that high quality Turkish education working out great for you Mustafa

Deniz i can smell ur autism from my screen

The point is that it's not "Angolan people in France", but "French people of Angolan descent" and look at how many articles there are related on wikipedia to each Frenchies of different African descents. They count as French people.

That's a gigantic scale. You can't compare that to Turkish parallel societies in Germany.


who in their right mind thinks germany is the greatest country on earth? what are they even teaching third worlders?

>cold, antisocial locals who all have zero social skills bordering on autistic
that me
>lazy as fuck locals who have no motivation to contribute to society in any beneficial way
that me
>EVERYONE born locally is a miserable prick
that me

Pot kettle black Mumbute

nobody is satisfied with the country they live in
boo hoo you fucking bitch



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You do realize even15 years ago you had more non europeans than we have right now

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How the fuck did you survived there for 6 years? 1 week was too much for me xD Come back to our home bro, Poland is much better than this shithole

Can any Frenchman translate this?

Feels good being Spanish but not mediterranean.

saw the translation in the other thread and it's not correct
biggest giveaway is when they say words that are supposed to be spelled the same way in all languages (quran,wallahi)

Is your home country doing better than Germany?

Is your home country doing better than Germany?

i still could be wrong,haven't done anything related to french since like 6th grade

Should have listend to Jow Forums every Geman here tells everyone that it's a shithole.
It's not a meme

This never come here Austria and Switzerland are way nicer anyway