Tell me about Borneo/Kalimantan

Attached: Borneo_Topography.png (800x846, 701K)

Other urls found in this thread:*(ph)/1946/12/08/brief-memorandum-on-the-government-of-the-sultanate-of-sulu-and-powers-of-the-sultan-during-the-19th-century/


The interior is populated by Dayaks who practiced headhunting until 20th century. Culturally they greatly resemble Taiwanese aborigines, lived in a longhouse like Iroquois, and practiced tattooing like Polynesians, also their language is closely related to Madagascar people.

Attached: Dayak.jpg (800x400, 532K)

Are they animist?

Palm plantation and conflict created by it.
There are bunch of cases of someone kill their father/children/brothers/neighbor because of those palm money.
Things that yurop always use as an excuse to ban oil import from us.

Some cling to their old religion or converted but still practice some old way of life.

Ooga booga headhunting jungle people, google sampit conflict.

It seems ethnic/religious conflict in Indonesia seems to be a common occurrence
It seems most non-Muslim Indonesians have been converted to Christianity by missionaries

>mfw Indogs don't get the other half

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What happens in the Malaysian part

oil rigging, lackluster infrastructure, threats of secession, the usual :T

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Rightful Indon clay stolen by the eternal Anglo's puppet state

Mass Transmigration (which was enacted during the New Order) from densely populated Java to sparsely populated area tend to create tensions with the native ethnics.


>threats of secession
How serious is this?
Is the program still ongoing?

I'll tell you hwat, the people there are seriously loyal to their kin
That's how the politicians there control the people, if the state government doesn't get enough gibs, they'll pull shit like secession

>how serious
not really, it's just empty threats
they're too dependent on us, and them being an independent country would, in my opinion, fuck the region over

>fuck the region over

The souther part is filled with Banjar people, a malayized dayak with plenty of javanese influences. They used to become a local powerhouse with their Banjarmasin Kingdom before the dutch ruined it

There are also lots of Chinese, mainly Hakka, who came to Borneo in 18-19 century for trading or become a labor then settled there and made their community. The borneo chinese culture are different than other indonesian chinese

Samarinda is prolly the most diverse city in Indonesia, more than Jakarta. There are more javanese and bugis people (from South Sulawesi) than native ethnics like Dayak or Banjar

The western and northern part is mainly Malays tho

Because everyone in the region wants to claim it
Indonesia, Philippines, Brunei
heck since theres tons of resources there I'd bet the Chinese would also swoop in just for shits and giggles

Have you ever been there? In fact, how easily can you travel across your islands in general?

Doubt they'll ever do that
They're afraid of Filipino Muslims going all "We wuz Sultantate of Sulu" on them.
The Americans annexing the sultanate was a mistake. They're nothing but a drain on the military and the economy.

>Is the program still ongoing?
Nah, it's cheaper to contract laborers from Java to work in palm plantation than to make them settle there.

just ride a boat or airplane. The plane ticket is cheap

>how serious is this
meme. big fucking meme

What attracts people to Samarinda?
>The western and northern part is mainly Malays tho
Yeah, looking at an ethnic map it seems Malays occupy most of the coast while Dayaks live on the interior. I guess Malays must have assimilated whoever lived on the coasts or displaced them.

Attached: Kalimantan_Ethnic_Groups.png (732x780, 81K)

Still bitter about the Lahad Datu incident t b h
Fuck the Sulus
I'll let you in on a secret, for all the Islamic pandering Malaysia does, once we find ourselves in that situation we start to realize why everyone hates Muslims.
Heck, the Rohingyan crisis was all "B'aww have mercy on them!" but once we start taking them in, they commit crimes and ruin the peace. And since they have UN refugee status we can't kick 'em out, so instead we chuck 'em in camps and leave them there. No food, no money, only despair.

Been to Sarawak around 10+ years ago, to the capital in Kuching. It's pretty much an autonomous state, I remember we were only allowed to visit for 90 days

Banjarmasin war dayak againts the dutch pretty much kino

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Why is Brunei not a part of Malaysia?
>The Americans annexing the sultanate was a mistake. They're nothing but a drain on the military and the economy.
What do you mean? Wasn't that part already part of the Philippines when it was under Spanish control?

>just ride a boat or airplane. The plane ticket is cheap
How long does it take to fly there from Mainland Malaysia?

They wanted to but when we were discussing things back in '65, they were asking too much from us. I'll see if I can find specifics on it.

Don't forget about Lanfang Republic, the tributary state of China that got conquered by the Dutch.

Attached: 1280px-Flag_of_Lanfang_Republic.svg.png (1280x654, 186K)

>Why is Brunei not a part of Malaysia?

We did invite them to join Malaysia but Bruenians nationalist went full autism and disrupts the whole "brunei joining malaysia" process.

Not joining Malaysia was the best decision for Brunei. They wouldn't be as rich as they're currently are if they joined us.

It takes 2 hour if you take a flight from KL to Sabah.

>Chinese state in Borneo
Interesting. Wonder how that would've turned out in the long run
How come Brunei is majority Muslim but the Malaysian states in Borneo aren't?

Dayak - Madurese are ethnic conflict not religious ones since dayak muslim also joined headhunting madurese muslim, Madurese acted like ooga boga and didnt respect local culture and bunch of rapes also happened.

Thats on Manchu China not Communist china

Looked it up, it's actually in our Secondary school history textbook
>Brunei wanted to keep ALL their revenue from oil rigging without paying any to the federal government
>Brunei wanted AT LEAST 10 seats in Parliament AT ALL TIMES
>Bruneians were receptive of the idea at first, but grew weary thinking that this is another state of colonialism
Like said, they rose up in open revolt to prevent Brunei from joining Malaysia

They Malays in Borneo have always been historically Muslim.

>What attracts people to Samarinda
It pass through the downstream of Mahakam River, the longest river in Kalimantan (and second in Indonesia) which is made the city a strategic place for transportation and economy. It's also the most developed city in Kalimantan imo, so it attract the mass transmigration newcomer from other islands to live there because not all cities in Kalimantan are decent enough to live

Dutch clay


uhhhh.... how about NO?!

Truth can be harsh

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Wait, where is that? Looks comfy

Rotterdam, Holland

Attached: Kralingse-plas-Rotterdam.jpg (902x603, 615K)

Weekly crocodile chomping, heard on radio another poor dude was found with half his body missing recently.
This nigga personally chomped dozens in the 90's.

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>With 47.7% of its population of non-Dutch origin
De Abreu is a nice girl

that's about to change I hope

Kalimantan also have lots of exotic animals like Orang Utan or Pesut Mahakam

>Orang Utan means person of the forest
Pretty cool desu. Just looked it up because I've seen the word "Orang" being used to describe some people in Malaysia

Orang is also an indonesian word for people

Interesting the paid sheeting flips shills are going ape for sulu as part of thier anti american pro cbink rehtoric.

While the ""Sulus"" are threathing war if federalism(indisguise for feudalism which what dutards want) dont come to pass like Manchildren.

What brought them to the fold was not the USA anexation buy sultan civil war some game of thrones shit happen, Harun vs Kiram, Harun which was the legit ruler allied with Spain to quell the rebelion, while kiram did the same thing some time later to outs him, unironically making them part of the treaty of paris.

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classic SEA
it always happen

They have a city named after a demon
It's pretty cool desu especially when you read about how it got the name

>that trips

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They converted to Islam
>that trip
t.Kuntilanak attention whore

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>subhuman phoneposter who has never read a book in its life

The Sultanate of Sulu was a protectorate under Spain like Brunei was under Britain. It was sovereign and not a part of the Philippines until the American Carpenter Agreement

More like 1/5th. Does Indo part have oil too or is it just for you and Brunei?

We have it too, in Eastern and northern part of it.
there are still ongoing dispute over Ambalat block

Attached: Ambalat_Disputed.png (320x359, 15K)


sources from our own government website for the stupid anti american dutard*(ph)/1946/12/08/brief-memorandum-on-the-government-of-the-sultanate-of-sulu-and-powers-of-the-sultan-during-the-19th-century/

my greatggrand parent was governor of kalimantan

based kompeni

A lot of chinks in the west and north. Singkawang is a comfy chink town.

>Contemporary politics autist
As if people actually give a shit about your political stance.

You are not Sultan Hamid 2 offspring, are you?

no before the war he was governer

governor of all of kalimantan?

i think so
all of the dutch part

name of great Grandpa? and which city he based on?

bauke jan haga
i forgot actualy, biggest place in bajar

oh Bandjermasin

Give me a proof that you are one of this man offspring, he was executed for planning to incite gorilla war against Japanese occupation force that led to Pontianak affair.

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