How is life in Algeria?

how is life in Algeria?

Attached: algeria_physio-2001.jpg (2018x2420, 1.31M)


I heard Algeria used to be part of metropolitan France. How similar is Algeria with France now?

>inb4 both full of niggers


nothing alike, algeria is also not alike its nieghbour its stuck in the cold war

How come Algeria is so big and we're so small
Fuck you France you deserve everything that's happenning to you

>I heard Algeria used to be part of metropolitan France.
>How similar is Algeria with France now?
There are algerians living in both places and that's about where ends the similarity

>stuck in the cold war
in what way?

Attached: 77300-004-A93E0D27.jpg (550x365, 39K)

Imagine living in the middle of the desert, killing your brethren for not practicing Islam right, being oppressed by a dictator, having nothing to eat because you don't understand economics and STILL managing to blame all of this on the French somehow.

That's what being an Algerian is like.

How did Algeria even become part of metropolitan France? and are there any French people that feel Algeria should still be part of France?

عملو اكاكا باش نقعدو فقارا, نحنا اليوما من ارخص الدول, باش ينجّمو يصيّفو لنّا كيما يحبّو. بلادنا كالقحبة

It was conquered, colons settled there, and everyone including the locals were considered french citizen in 1834.
A lot of people had to leave Algeria when it became independant in order to escape violence, and they consider it their country, but otherwise not really.

Just try to invade Algeria, my dude, your country will be bigger...lmao

Pretty fucking comfy my dude

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how many french people settled in Algeria? did it ever reach 10% of the population? what do you think Algeria would be like today if they were still part of France?
what is that on the rocks? looks almost like snow.

Like shit, i guess

Going to be shit after Buteflika dies.

Looks barren as fuck

In 1960 just before independance, there were around 900k settlers and descendants for a population of 11M people.

>What do you think Algeria would be like today if they were still part of France?
It's not really a possibility. I would mean that France would be a country of 100M people, 40% of which would me muslim.

It is snow.
Good, and hopefully its stays that way, I wouldn't want people shitting up the place.

Not talking about people. It looks like it's one step away from being a desert, one small drought

Bouteflika already dropped out of the presedential run, and the elections were delayed, the regime is trying to buy time in order to soak up the heat and prop up a plan, however the populace has caught up to that and the protests have been going on for more than a month now.

if the large muslim population is a concern, then how did it become part of metropolitan france in the first place? and why give the native algerians citizenship?
wow that's really cool. how did the snow form? glaciers? and where is that?
how was Bouteflika's regime? do you think he's a good leader?

That's because the picture was taken in mid to late summer, and so are most of the pictures you can find of that lake, from mid autumn to late winter into mid spring, sometimes even longer, most of the mountain range is completely covered in snow, and access is very limited, especially to higher areas.

Attached: Snow_in_Tikjda_(Djurdjura).jpg (1913x1276, 1.69M)

>if the large muslim population is a concern, then how did it become part of metropolitan france in the first place? and why give the native algerians citizenship?
Because back then it was still a monarchy, muslim population was way lower, and it's not like people anticipated that we would have at some point to give 40M muslims a right to vote. Independance was the logical choice.

They keep infesting France for some reason, so prabably life's pretty shit there

French tried to francize them so bad and relatively failed miserably.
So they are still a muslim country with the culture still fully intact.

>and why give the native algerians citizenship?
He's bulshitting you. Don't know why he didn't listen in history class.
Only the Algerian Jews and the Algerian muslims that renounced Sharia law and bowed to the french civil code would be granted citizenship (meaning very little Muslims therefore did achieve citizenship).

Large Muslim population was always a concern but the population swelled hugely from 1930 to 1960 to the point they even had an economic crisis from it. It is also one of the reasons de Gaulle was chill about letting Algeria go, so that french elections wouldn't be impacted by too many Algerian muslims.

>how did the snow form? glaciers?
Probably, that's how they would last long into the summer, I would guess.
>and where is that?
Part of a long mountain range that runs across from the north east of the country to the middle, that particular area is in Bouira, you can see it in OP pic a little to the right of the Capital.
>how was Bouteflika's regime? do you think he's a good leader?
The situation is far more complex than simply Bouteflika, the guy has mostly been just a prop in place for half of his ruling periode. The country and its people have been cheated out of its ressources(mainly oil and natural gaz) since the independance even.
I mean the numbers are not favourable to him at all if you look at them, from 1999 to 2019, so technically I wouldn't consider him a good leader by any metric, however, as I said before, the situation is far more broader than simply a good or bad leader, the whole system is corrupt, government procurements attributed in exchange of colossal commissions(bribes) etc

>It was conquered, colons settled there, and everyone including the locals were considered french citizen in 1834.
What are you smoking?

>A lot of people had to leave Algeria when it became independant in order to escape violence
Oh those poor colons who had nothing at all to do with ratonnades and plastique festivals. They sure hate violence.

Why are European people on this board such complacent assholes?

Famma ri7lét lel jboulet fel ssiif ? n7eb ndour fel jboulet we nemchi lel villages

Il y en a des transports par bus qui effectuent des voyages à partir de la cité vers les hauteurs, il y a aussi une ligne télépherique qui amène là-bas, mais en ce qui concerne des voyages organisée pour les touristes, ça je ne peux pas te répondre. Personnellement, je suis toujours monté par voiture. Il vaut mieux que tu partira avec quelqu'un qui en connaît.

If you end up in another civil war please, please, go to France. Let 5-8 million of your compatriots flood France, occupy their land and destroy their country forever.

On est toujours fâché pour l'Illyrie napoléonienne ?

No, I want them to go up in flames so they can be punished for allowing so many muslims in so far and for electing Macron.

Nah fuck that, I/we have enough headache as it stands, and they seem to have enough problems of their own. The bums that salivate for a french life and the high drama can fuck off there just like they have been doing for the last 50 years, they probably already have/are, they don't need a civil war or any other trigger for doing so.
I personally don't hold it against a modern frenchman just like I wouldn't expect a modern frenchman to hold it against me for something that happened almost a decade ago, I simply live for tomorrow.