Why do Americans do this?

Why do Americans do this?

Attached: lawn.jpg (480x864, 95K)

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Americans are the kings of cringe.

Why does that make you butthurt?

so if somebody throw fireworks over that patch does it count as an attack on US soil?

>Dirt causes Euros to be filled with a seething rage
It’s too good to be true

I find it amusing that Americans need soil from their homeland to survive, like Dracula

Why wouldn't you want a piece of home? Do you think looking around and seeing nothing than hostile sandnigger dirt is comforting to someone who's life is in danger on a daily basis?

Maybe you should focus more on Ahmed and Muhammad forcefully putting their big giant dicks in your lilly white virgin daughter's ass



To die and pay for the Jew.
Americans love Jews.
They even mutilate their own genitals to look like Jews.
The US is Israel's greatest ally.
They have Jews in their government, they give money to Jews, they defend Jews, they don't blame the Jews when the Jews hurt americans either!
Jews run their economy and their media. Jews run their law and their health.
It's hard to name something american that's not Jewish. They just love Jews.


Americans are Tzimisce vampires.

Is this a correct representation of an American soldier?

Attached: Screen_Shot_20190130_at_2.31.34_PM.png (461x267, 60K)

Is this the sissy cuck book or the Muslim Obama one?

Transporting soil from one country to another one is a serious bio-hazard that introduces invasive species and pests to other countries and potentially wipes out entire crops and industries.

This is incredibly based though. Just goes to show how much that Chad loves his country and that if he loves it that much, it must be a great country to be from.

if you think that's bad, you haven't seen what happens to countries that import americans,

Usually I cringe at American autism but this is pretty based desu

that's only an issue if the country you bring the soil to has any soil of its own

Cringe af. Probably his wife collected that dirt from the shoes of all the niggers she fucked


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His feet are tiny

>send him dirt (US soil)

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>Sex with white women

Not even apes would do it. Leave it for white men (who race-mix more than any other race of man)

They really are.

>Invasive dirt
I'm sure the Ahmeds and Mohammedans cared more about dirt than the eventual 3,000,000 dead. lol

I would pee and pour kerosene all over that

There is nothing wrong with this.

>Literally China's whore

I can appreciate the patriotic sentiment but it's still cringy as fuck.

I can’t.

>only libtards virtue sig-

lmao instantly the western europoor with his gug fantasies.

underrated... and seriously WTF

That's why we go around putting military bases all over the world, so it then becomes OUR soil and we can therefore survive in more places :^)

Americans are cringy faggots who believe in superficial nonsense. Truly inferior to the German, who rises above such superstition.

Hello, Zhang.

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Holly shit that's why this guy looks so much like nosferatu, why didn't /x/ warned us before?

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Hello, t*rone

They need to have the feeling of mowed grass.
That's why they get fined or could be sued if they don't mow their grass at the front yard

Fucking kek

I heard they're also building Wallmarts in foreign countries so they can shart there and feel like home.

But you guys literally did that with our soil because it’s so good

didn't you import ukrainian soil

Nice he can grow some grass in between killing children

I think that's sweet and very touching

>go prep the prince camarilla cuck
>my grandfather DeMarcus Willie III was sired by Caine himself

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extremely german post

He's fucking cutting the grass with scissors

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*sniffs grass*
Hahhh, America...

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>Why do Americans do this?
Because it's based.


There are no lawnmowers around. To be fair, it's not that much grass to cut anyway

Unironically based.

That seems like a pretty healthy coping method to get your mind off the shitshow around you and center yourself. This guy will go home a much healthier man than any of this fellows who went to fuck slutty muslimas instead.

>proving ’s point
American bootlickers are the most annoying faggots on the planet

that's a yikes from me

In reality he’s probably just homesick, shell-shocked and trying to COPE with realizing he’s killing innocent thirdies for porky.

first lawn in iraq btw

This is a pretty good point

Extremely American post

you will never know until you walk through american grass bare foot

>they take turns walking through the grass and the American soil - to bring them good luck
fucking kek, you can just buy a bag of dirt and a bag of grass seed at a supply store, cringing out of my mind here


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Absolutely uber alles right here


go walk on grass, it feels like heaven after wearing boots all day

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>A bunch of retarded European colonists in America dying for a land they have no connection to