
a very nice duck edition

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French are gay

first for migration

Exceptional duck

want to learn how to banter the brits? just mention the lunar landing or the norman invasion of 1066

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Start lifting

imagine diego rivera but uglier, there you go job done

>want to learn how to banter the brits? just mention the lunar landing or the norman invasion of 1066

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>lunar landing
didn't happen

No, not “job done”
Post a pic or stop talking about your appearance in /Brit/


my one weakness.......I am defeated

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i want to but too insecure to go to the gym

i was asked about it so i said why bc i'm ugly lol

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He had 4 kids. Also, I doubt you're uglier. Stop being a sorry sack of shit.

Made my famous spicy peanut pork curry

Missus loved it

I am a survivor of MKUltra.

ears blocked

sorry i can't run famous murialist game and i am uglier and 5'3.

alri Ted

tried tinder?

>normans were NOT french ok??

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aaa am so lonely and horn frens

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no lol

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They clearly not progressive thinkers with a name like Norman.

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you should give it a try

pretty horny going out tonight so hopefully can solve that

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It's everyday bro with the Disney channel flow

average person gets les than 1 match per 100 swipes. i am well below average

not a name

I hate that grey asian skin tone. Their dark nipples and purple vaginas. And of course their lifeless slanty eyes.
(no offense)

He reads books; of the list book club
And after two months--his stance a familiar hunch
It's that same slouch - you had the last time he came around
His oppression abounds, his type is doing the rounds
He is a scum-egg; a horrid trendy wretch
C.R.E.E.P. CR E.E.P.
BLACK saucers at the back of your neck
Interruptions, from the side when you talk
In the presence, of this ugly gawk,
Is offending, make sure you're not absorbed
(With hideous luck - he'll absorb all your talk)
CR E.E.P. C.R.E.E.P.
CR E.E.P. C.R.E.E.P.
CR E.E.P. C.R.E.E.P.
FROM the bright sun, he came one fine morn
"Populist" - as well in his class at least
But then came REAL AGE, and for that we all must pay
(and for that we all do pay)
C.r.e.EP. C.R.E.E.P.
CR E.E.P. - cr E.E.P. CR E.E.P. - CR E.EP (2 times)
And he wants world peace! (and for that we all must pay)
He likes ABC! (C.R.EE.P.)

try grindr then

what a normie
arrête de te la péter

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more for me then :^)

very relieving statistic
thought i was just absolutely unfuckable

we are now four (4) french posters ITT counting the expat

I know some girls are into ugly people like you. they feel completely empowered when they shag those gremlins. granted they're a bit fucked in the head but that's a free shag for you

feel exhausted mentally and have not a clue as to why

why did he do it

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getting my daily dose of chapo trap house

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i've probably hit on a thousand girls at this point, girls do not lik eme and I don't blame them I wud not fuck me eitehr

F, Marry, Kill?
Kill the gay dude
F the tranny
Marry the woman

frog bastards

sister and mum are both running the paris marathon next month
ive been telling them for weeks its going to be cancelled
french army cannot cope

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how much of the time are normies inebriated?

how do you it on them? share a couple of stories

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want to order some coke but im scared to turn my phone on

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autistic leftist freak

anyone have that video of tim and the dentist? or the one with him and the shop workers with his pants falling down?

What the fuck happened to her belly button?

all me

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Wretched bellybutton. Knocks her attractiveness down a few notches.

women are honestly vile

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i like a drink

talked about this many times done pretty much every style: park/nightclub/party/uni/cafe/tube whatever
talk about the book she reading/something about how she's dressed/some mutually experience incident/pick up line/buying a drink w.e.

How did this fag beat big H in a wrestling match?

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ZOMG!! boobies... 0_O

thats very hurtful, i know you didn't mean it but words have consequences

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electric scooters are coming to english cities lads just you wait

>Wretched bellybutton. Knocks her attractiveness down a few notches.

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virgin podcast vs chad godcast

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Sags of band

emily ratajkowsi is honestly the pengest woman in pop culture

don't care bout her personality and that but her fanny and chebs undoubtedly are blue chip

only thing you haven't tried is online dating

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A fine specimen

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oh good now I won't be able to hear the muggers coming

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hmmm no


Ever notice how bovine hooves look like Russian grandmother's feet that have been bound for a few decades?

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me? listening to reed to hillsborough by duster

go on sancho lad

for me, its the History of English Podcast

you must be doing something wrong mate, can't be so ugly NO girl would consider dating you. That or your standards are too high,

Very familiar with the ghosted day of the date feel
Might open a haunted house

>them leg bones

Why do men still use this shit then?

I'm more of a Revolutions fan myself

for me? its the Triforce Podcast

Her worth is expressed in practised gestures and body movements.
Repeal women's rights.

i'm not doing anything wrong i even taught other people at uni how to pick up girls with the same techniques and it works for them. i am jus tthat ugly I dont know why you neurotypicals have to keep trying to cope this away.

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those are tendons actually

I walked past Lewis in Bristol once
He’s tiny

Nice to know I beat the average guy in about 2 days lmao

I'm sorry perhaps my post was misleading but never in my life (which is a whole 18 years) have I read anything about history, do appreciate my daily dose of 'nime though

whatever they are.. get rid of them