He can't pronounce the "th" sound properly

He can't pronounce the "th" sound properly

Attached: hahaha.jpg (258x245, 12K)

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roger that rodny make sure you roll your RRRRs as hard as a real americans would

Attached: devil.jpg (512x512, 37K)

The one in there or think?


>anglos have åäö sounds in their alphabet
>still unable to pronounce these letters for some reason

Most I know can and the one who couldn't had a major speech impediment so that was the least if their problems.

>he can't pronounce vowels properly
every anglo ever

It's not even hard
Just put the tip of your tongue to your two top teeth, then blow a little air through, that's the "th" sound, try doing it when saying "the" or "think" or whatever

Ze eternal Amerikan streiks agein.

I think anyone who speaks a germanic language can pronounce ''th''

I find hard to pronounce after an "s"

>He can't go rrrrrrrrrr


Why do anglos have a lisp?

Anglos just know how to pronounce both
''D'' and ''Th''



go on

you better not be a Castilian nigger

>Spain talking about lisps

shut up rug

>Swedes already have "o"
>it's not enough so they have "å"
>they're too retarded to just remove "å" so they pronounce "o" as "u"
>now they have two "u" letters
>they pretend they dont

>mfw an anglo trying to speak Japanese

Attached: uh.gif (640x480, 1001K)

A lisp is a lisp. This is how correct english should be pronounced.

The one on dere or sink


>He can't Sygyt
>He can't even roll Rs.

Attached: index.jpg (228x221, 11K)


firty five fousand

>tfw Finnish
>tfw can easily speak any language perfectly
feels good

Speak my language I dare you

i mean i can pronounce everything with ease and when we learn the language we dont have any accents we are just fluent and sound native

>be me
>a typical Russian guy
>never heard English speaking before high school
> English teacher in high school wants you to pronounce “the weather is good”
>blushing af
>never attend English lessons since that
>start watching anime and learning funny Japanese writings
>welcome to DJT!

>when we learn the language we dont have any accents we are just fluent and sound native

See? A serbian couldnt do that. If a serbian spoke english people would laugh at him; same with germans, russians, chinese etc. But Finns have perfect english


How's my "th"?


Attached: 1550836835269.png (327x316, 221K)



wtf do you mean?

Attached: F9484701-4645-457F-9BC2-83C7A8B83275.jpg (816x816, 58K)

Its the same sound???

>they can do “thhhhhhh” but not “th——-“
Interdentals are the Sen’s Fortress of phonemes

No it isn’t goblina
One spits air, one vibrates
Only one of the two can be held as a note

>I have a slight lisp in arabic and I can't always roll my r
>it sounds perfect when I speak English

I just pronounce it as a "f"


fuck it, english depends on context anyway

you say fere, fe and fanks too?

not, obviously, in this case it's

de or dee (it seems american use "dee" more)

>american education