Why aren't there a lot of Italians on Jow Forums ?

Why aren't there a lot of Italians on Jow Forums ?

Do their mama forbid them to talk to strangers on the internet ?

Attached: map-italy.jpg (994x1209, 573K)

Theyre praying to Allah.

Attached: IMG_6626.jpg (1443x147, 40K)


We no speaking inglish very good

Italians rarely speak any English.

mind your own business and go back to watch the newest BLACKED video, pierre

I always said it

>serbian intellectuals

What's wrong about what I said?

Believe me, if the average italian poster is similar in any way to the kind of schizos that pollute the italian general you don't want more of them bringing further chaos to Jow Forums


>work with an Italian immigrant
>she always gets angry and yells at me
Feels bad man

go for it bra

her pussy most likely smells like tuna fish

flyer than a stewardess, you pussies smell like tuna fish

Ciao gianny

We have more than enough It*lians on this website.

noooo not new zealand NOOOO

says a mongol rapebaby lmao

Attached: dna test.jpg (863x484, 41K)

southern italian are 50% greek-north african-semitic

So it means 50% greek- french.. got it

The number of incels per capita must lower in Italy

I'm 0.5% Italian on my grandfather's side and I go here.

Doesn't stop the French.

It's interesting that you started a thread about Italians in a passive aggressive tone.
It says a lot about your personality.

Because i can't relate to anyone here