I am not wh*te, my mom is Portuguese and my Dad french but w*steners are beta cuck, I consider myself Eurasian slav

I am not wh*te, my mom is Portuguese and my Dad french but w*steners are beta cuck, I consider myself Eurasian slav

My great grandfather was Chinese, so I got the asian admixture eastern european have

Wh*te are weak, they have low T and let foreigners destroy their countries

Attached: IMG_20190315_204334.jpg (2448x3264, 1.44M)

Other urls found in this thread:


>negro + chink
>comes out looking like a polak
Interesting thing you are

Attached: IMG_4760.png (4103x3264, 193K)

>posting your face on the internet
Gonna save this and try to find you. Hehehe

Attached: 0e9.jpg (600x600, 30K)

My mom has 0% african DNA try again

I don't have any social media, good luck :)

that just proves slavs are mixed-race

Even if you're 1/8 Asian like some Russians you don't really look Russian, maybe a little bit.

Based and redpilled

She's Portuguese, it's by default she's 2-4% black.

Attached: IMG_3066.jpg (1260x1961, 345K)

Russians are not slavs, they are finno ugric

You look just like me

My mom made a DNA test

She had a Surname of a city from portugal that had a lot of.jews, we wanted to know if she had jewish admixture

She doesnt have any african admixture

Do you have that hedgehog hairs ? Post ur hairs

You probably never did a real DNA test. Did you upload her raw data on gedmatch?

I know you're doing this so your face could be posted on every thread like the Iberian dude or Israeli dude but you seriously look retarded lmao

I don't care about 4channel.org

Im not turboincel

Are you Polish lmao

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Il fuck you up anyday

You look very Russian desu.

You have a very small head

you actually have asian admixture?

I am not wh*te
My great great grandfather was kurdish

The albanian mongrel (proxy) posting that debunked moorjani absurd again


some things never change

Attached: dna_-autotom6-1-averag-e1_2o0001_0029232070u212042-01229775c.png (1256x1240, 246K)

Yeah right
Some things
They never change

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right albanian, at least the lies stay all on your side.

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