What’s the Jow Forums consensus on little girls?

What’s the Jow Forums consensus on little girls?

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They're kids? Fuck outta here you fucking pedo

fuck off, paedotard

I'm not sure, what's the consensus in DC, officer?

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That they deserve to be respected and not be seen as sex toy by retards like you.


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cute and funny

I just want to inform you all, as being Jow Forums users you're probably not aware, but this website had a massive and violent demographic change between oldfags and users of Facebook and reddit, and the oldfags would be shocked to see your posts. Which is why they all left. Just stating the fact of history. The great oldfag vs. redditor-Facrbooker war ended after GamerGate, so there's a start if you want to learn the history of this website.

No don't do it think of the advertisers

>implying there's a point in telling them all of that
they just won't understand


>Been here since moot was still around
>Before Jow Forums opened
Most people have always been against sick child fuckers. But the cheese lovers have always REEEEEED at the top of their lungs when told otherwise. I prefer the board more now

>being before moot and Jow Forums is bragging rights now

We've come a long way, haven't we?

Depends on their age.

>tfw no cute daughter to take to the park and spoil rotten in an attempt to make up for my own lacking childhood



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it's never a good idea to spoil your children.

Adorable and pure

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Of course, I respect their decision to agree with sexual activities.
Such as the following, "Hey, I know you will go to jail if any idiot finds out, but I want to try sex. I don't really care if you go to jail after fucking me, I can always find another pedo and the law will just think I was manipulated haha"
Then I am such stealth that no one knew.

they are very cute

2d girls are cute and funny
one might even call them "cufunty"

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