
Emma Watson edition

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What's she up to these days anyway?

First for Alan Partridge


My dick

She has a Little Women adaptation coming out later this year.

Dunno what that is

high angles n that?

because they honestly do smell bad and they all think they're cool for some fucked up reason

Show hing and haldi

top 3 little women

1. tinkerbell
2. ellie simmonds
3. twidget the midget

i have aspergers

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emma watson is french. and she's a transgender.

she's not richard dawkins you tit

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*remembers the cuckio meme*

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Neither of these things are true.

im a musician

can't find my good socks lads, can't be seen in public with bad socks

You edited out the best part.

i own a guitar and know four chords


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tesco still hasn't been and they said they'd be here before 9

Bring back the commonwealth lads

it's true. emmauel watson dawkins is son of richard dawkins.

you didn't know her true biography.

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Being born in Paris doesn’t make one French.

Any good?

>wank done
>coffee made
>Fraiser on
>shall be cleaning the yard and going caff in a bit

Peng peng peng

Prison for strikers,
Bring back the cat,
Kick out the niggers,
How about that?

Trade with the Empire,
Ban the Obscene,
Lock up the Commies,
God Save the Queen

Forced “integration” is a blatant violation of the principle of freedom, and that violation is only secondarily a matter of ”race.” No family has ever been denied the right not to welcome strangers it dislikes into its home or to stay apart from them (whatever the reason may be for such an dislike); but fraternisation with Negroes in public life is imposed — ironically in the name of liberty, of a freedom that is unilateral. So-called segregation — apartheid — is deplored, even though it is the only reasonable system, and one that harms nobody: let each everyone remain in their own realm, among their own. It is unbelievable what “progress” has brought about in the degenerate white race: the British, who until recently were extreme practical racists, to the point of believing that beyond the English Channel, there dwelled what was almost a different humanity, and in their colonies to haughtily hold themselves apart from even “coloured” representatives of ancient civilisations superior to their own (India, China, etc.), have at the time of this writing, as a result of the “anti-colonialist” infatuation, forced their compatriots in Rhodesia to secede from the Commonwealth, applying sanctions against them because they refuse to yield to the imposition of granting the equal and indiscriminate democratic vote to the mass of the black population, which would have forced them out of the land that had been civilised only by them.

c'est la wee

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too many words

I’m 21, and voted leave... I bought into the propaganda, and thought I was doing what’s best for my country that I love...

But now, seeing the pound collapse, the PM go 1984 on us, being made a laughing stock of the country... I’m scared, I fear my country will collapse, that we’ll have no money, food and the NHS faulter.

I signed the petition but just don’t know what to do...

I’m sorry

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We betrayed almost every colony we ever created. We imbued them with our values then sanctioned them and left them for dead when we became 'progressive'. It's why places like South Africa, New Zealand and Rhodesia are shitholes or don't exist any more and it's why places like Australia and America grew a cultural cringe, needing to shun everything British in order to ensure we didn't corrupt them in the same way.

>project fear

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>look up Vorderman, Carol
>click on images
>see headline on one saying "Carol Vorderman denies bum implants"

What's wrong with you, bongland

the nuke is already falling, you have 2 minutes to live
one flash, quick searing pain, and it's over


still too many words
shorten your posts please

hi guys former leave voter here its so epic watching may crash and burn haha but seriously we cant let her get her hands on the brexit codes

Why did they get cut?

send every girl I know a willy picture


That isn't why Rhodesia does't exist at all

knock one out, there's a reason they used to call me danger wank in high school, always finished first tho

>contemplated shoplifting
my benefits were stopped for 8 months
i lived in a squat like an animal, no electricity, eating what i could find in bins, nicking from shops and doorsteps (milk is a good source of protein)
ice cold showers
no way to cook anything
no way to do laundry
no way to even see anything after dark
couldn't even afford a rope to hang myself
where's my article?

i would check Jow Forums to see if it's true

You think if the UK embraced them with all the power and might we believed the colonies would muster for us when ww2 got scary, Rhodesia it would have fallen? we expected too much of them and gave them nothing

ruminating on the kafka parable "before the law"

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is this /Brit/? hello? could you give me the skinny on Aaron Banks and how he has been the man responsible for bre*it


get a job you freak

dunno but your blog has me bored to tears

i think ill do a wank
anybody got any nice videos for me to wank to?

spag bol is inherently a british dish

had a dream that i shagged that mitt goblin brittany venti

No it's not, it's Italian

I'm partial to the maria ryabushnika piss video

anyone else a jobless loser?

i ashoplifted all my groceries for about a two years, ate like a king, just get better at shoplifting you shit cunts

Always laugh at leftists needing a scapegoat for everything. They just can't believe BREXIt is the will of the people, so they need an angry figurehead to blame. It's the same as people who blame soros for all the worlds ills when really he's just supporting a movement, but Soros has his grubby kike paws in a lot more than Aaron banks did.

yeah but looked for a job and got a job

britain didn't have any power in 1965

chronic schizoid and avoidant personality disorders innit though
and who would hire someone who looks like they've been living rough for 6 months? nobody

mild overstatement to say the least but even as far as that is true, it was Britain rejecting it's own colonies that caused that

except we won the world cup in 1966 so bang goes that theory

>i self diagnosed myself: the post

look i dont have a piss fetish but ill check it out since you replied

clean up then dickhead

no the italians are very autistic about this sort of thing and the spaghetti bolognese that we have in the uk is entirely different from what they have in italy

just cleaned the toilet and you can't tell at all that there's been several kilos of poo flushed down it in the past week

at the time i didn't know what was up with me
years later i saw those disorders described online and recognised literally every single symptom, cause, the lot
the problem with a disorder that stops you going out or talking to people is you never see a doctor about anything, including that disorder
let's say you're a doctor then, and you ask me what the symptoms are
i'd basically be copypasting the symptoms from those disorders
what would your diagnosis be?

so flipping hungry


She looks so much like Richard Dawkins

Also the fact that's she's a feminist proves that she's ugly

>at the time i didn't know what was up with me
>years later i saw those disorders described online and recognised literally every single symptom, cause, the lot
Genuinely unable to tell if this is copypasta

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so flipping hungary

It isn't though?

i mean if you think britain could've thrown itself behind a colony straight out of the victorian era you don't understand the political reality of 1965. it would've destroyed US-UK relations for one



then you have bigger problems than i do mate

>let's say you're a doctor then, and you ask me what the symptoms are
>i'd basically be copypasting the symptoms from those disorders
>what would your diagnosis be?
Also this isn't how Doctors diagnose most physical disorders let alone mental disorders because people lie all the time. I know a few Doctors personally and they've explained the me the ways they go about confirming the symptoms without letting the patient know. Especially for mental disorders, where it's harder to prove they aren't lying. If you went into a doc and started reading off webmd they'd sling you out of there with some sugar pills and hope you don't come back.

Just cause its in a wikipedia article it doesnt mean im wrong?

You are though. Spaghetti Bolognese is not Italian.

Got work at 5 o clock hahahahahaha

>i have a bunch of real and recognised mental disorders that haven't been properly diagnosed
>after one comment from you i can tell you have even worse mental disorders
You were a squatter because you're an idiot run by self pity and the closes tyou'll ever get to a mental disorder is your victim complex you cretin.

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It was an italian dish originally and then they changed the recipe when everyone else started doing it. Do you understand kidda?

got one of those unscratcheable itches

No. No it wasn't.

>If you went into a doc and started reading off webmd
i wouldn't be doing that
i'd be honestly describing my problems, which just happen to be the symptoms of specific disorders that exist in psychiatry
so what should i do to get a genuine diagnosis? lie?
i won't be going to see any more doctors anyway because all they did was misdiagnose me with bipolar and depression and anxiety etc etc and prescribe me pills that made me hallucinate and hear voices (which haven't stopped btw)

Alexa: Is Bologna in Italy?

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Are traps gay?

Regardless spag bol is not Italian.