Has there ever been a time where you guys liked America or have you always hated it?

Has there ever been a time where you guys liked America or have you always hated it?

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Always loved it never hated it


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before lybia

Liked it during Bush
Hatet it during Obama
Like it during Trump





youtube.com/watch?v=akbzRuZmqVM maximum volume

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Childhood is loving america
Adulthood is understanding that it is cancer.

When i only knew america through movies I used to love it, nowadays even the movies are shit

America in the films is nice. In reality it's populated by faggots. Not a fan.

I used to, but you guys are unbereable bitches.

Someone invited me over there for vacation, but I got a visa denied because I am a neet and good at english, and they probably got too scared I would overstay in your shithole or something like that.

I grew up the 80's. America then = strong masculine men with machine guns or fighter jets. Today, America = gaylord conspiracist antivaxx fat fuckers.

Cringe post

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And it's true

I alwaya liked america
But there are a Lot of idiote posting under your flags


always liked it but you guys are weird

I've never liked america

Slovakia and later Czechoslovakia was so full of Ameriboos Austro-Hungarians had to assign Englsh-speaking (keep in mind this was a time when everyone, even the Anglos learned and spoke French) officers to the Slovak units in order to communicate with them.
All Czechoslovak weaponry follows the US nomenclature. If you've ever heard of vz.XX anything, it's just a word for word translation of MXX.
Constitution was copied off of the US one and penned in Boston by Slovak-Americans.

But that was all before modern television and internet. Once people gets to interact with people and see what's going on in the US, all respect falls apart faster than the Warsaw Pact.