Your President resigns after almost 30 years in power

>Your President resigns after almost 30 years in power
>Whole country celebrates in anticipation of changes
> The new president is inaugurated, and the first thing he does is renaming the capital after the last president and proposing to built monuments to him all over the country
Pls send help

Attached: B13AE967-7DE3-4A98-BF09-D5041C19E79F.jpg (1772x1400, 201K)

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based and cult of personalitypilled

Ask Vlad to save you.

You need someone like him

Attached: pinochet.jpg (340x312, 25K)

Vladdy doesn’t care about Russians abroad as long as the country keeps sucking his dick

he looks like a tranny

>renaming the capital after the last president
thats pretty retarded

he looks like he fucks black guys

You can’t imagine
The poor city changed names 5 times over the last 50 years

>Whole country celebrates in anticipation of changes
So he wasn’t liked? Why didn’t you do anything?

Coups are honorless

Based Hungarian wiki editors.

We've got our own traitors to deal with.

Attached: trudeau-gay.jpg (634x381, 76K)

He eliminated all opposition back in the 2000s
Plus we have a neighbor that had two revolutions since the breakup of the USSR, didn’t do shit.

And it’s not like some didn’t try:

Glad I visited Astana before the name cockup

Oh shit yeah I dated some chick called Aigul whose Papi got put up in prison for being a party leader for the Democrats
Fuck Nursultan. Trying to silence a man who created a daughter with the best damn pussy I ever laid eyes upon

What did you expect? He was designated into this position by Nazarbaev

senseless, truly asian cruelty

He will likely lose his position after half a year

Wait, is he allowed to do that?, is wiki wrong or what?

Attached: Kazakhstan - Wikipedia.png (264x102, 5K)

Constitutionally speaking, there is a need for a referendum, but he just passed the vote to Parlament, which unanimously agreed.

Yeah, don't mind me. I just saw this

Attached: 32534645.png (364x340, 24K)

All post Soviet shitholes should be completely reformed. Unfortunately they are so corrupted that you'd need to replace literally everyone and everything in the government to make it a livable place.

Are you basically being Turkmenistaned here?

Well, we didn’t rename the months...yet

You should change your country’s name to Qazaqstan already

Good luck

In here dealing with paid shills that disturbingly defend this retard and bandwagons the stupid masses is the true challange.

Attached: 9gar7wr9tyl11.jpg (750x1334, 72K)

Don’t worry. You’ll be cut up into squares once the power vacuum in central asia allows Russia and China to move in.

Why do euros ignore shit like this and go ahead with B&R?

I, being Russian myself, for once welcome our new overlords

>dat constitution
Didn't you change from Cyrillic to Latin recently?

Nah, in my city 1 or 2 roadsigns were changed, that’s all the progress I’ve seen so far.