Ambrosus dumped like a motherfucke

Wtf is going on? top loser in binancrc

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Whales having fun I guess?
Also those NDAs are overdue.

CMO fired

Wtf? Why would you fire the most important person in crypto?

CMO gone, didn't pass probation period (LOL)

They've hired a PR and Marketing agency instead.

why does versetti literally fire everone

Well 'fired'. He may have quit. AMB is in shambles

Well he was supposed to be focused on b2b and didn't do shit in like 3 months.

I hear they already have recruited a new chad CMO though.

He LITERALLY got rid of like 4 team members since ICO.
He's not running a NGO so he may have his reasons.

Is it SharkCIA?

I mean, everything's doing pretty poorly vs bitcoin right now. This is just the icing on the cake though. Hopefully the new marketing team will actually do something besides put on a fireworks show.

A fucking probation? Wtf is this? McDonald’s?

Do you even HR?
It can take years to find a right person for an executive position.

Are you fucking retarded?

we want you to have node

>do you even hr
It’s a start up retards. There is no hr department

most posters here have literally no experience in the general workforce, so having that additional perspective is lost on them here.
When I hear about more people being fired it makes me more comfortable.

Takes a while to find the right person or company, you need to sort through and try out different personalties and work ethics til they find one that fits.

Anons on here are pretty immature so don't give in to this shit

What a moron. I know you have experience in McDonald’s and it might work on a low skill, high turnover job, but a startup is not the place to keep making hiring mistakes.

Everyone working in ambrosus right now is anxious for their jobs if the CEO even so slightly looks at them. I can tell you that some of them are waiting for team token to be released and gtfo

a start up is literally the sort of place you would find more firings. Holy fuck, are you 19? maybe a sophmore in state school? if you hold amb please sell it, if you hold an crypto actually please sell it.

The fuck do you know about that ?
Ever worked for a succesful company yourself ? I have and let me tell you that there was quite some turnover, even important positions.
Each time the company grew bigger and became more efficient.

Also why do you keep talking about McDonalds?

You guys are full of shit. A high turnover rate from executive positions within a company is a huge red flag.

ANGEL posted on Reddit

It wasn't working out between SC and AMB. New marketing team is being hired and a PR agency.

Plus, major announcement on Monday and release of Main net by end of month.

TL;DR - Sell this piece of shit after the main net pump

>akes a while to find the right person or company, you need to sort through and try out different personalties and work e

I cannot belive I'm reading this on /biz, this so much.

It's a fucking startup...waste your time hiring the wrong people and before you know it you've burned up all your start up cash and haven't gotten anything done.

Feeling stupid yet? I keep talking about McDonald’s because that is where you’re headed.

Successful company =/= startup

its not a big deal. its a marathon. you're being short sighted and reactionary.

He didn't say Monday, user, he said "next week". Let's not make a bunch of faggots panic when there's no news on Monday.

keep tabs on all channels newfag, information is power


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Sellers will be punished by Angel himself!

Only real non-paid poster here. user leave this or any other AMB thread. Jow Forums has been targetted by both AMB and pnd groups.

All You seeing in this thread is fake traffic and fake anons talking to each other.

Hiring Versace guy which was THE BIGGEST announcment on that conference when AMB hit 0,87$ a piece is MASSIVE red flag.

Not to mention that only thing they are announcing is possible NDA's.

Close this thread and ban AMB from Jow Forums.


A VAST majority of AMB posts are either FUD or obvious reverse-shills

For a coin with such a low market cap, the amount of FUD targeted at them is pretty eye opening

CMO left the company a month ago. Took Ambrosus off his LInkedin profile. HAHAHAHA. Doesnt want to soil his cv. He was 2nd CMO to leave in a couple of months. HAHAHAHA.

Holy fuck the amount of neets in this thread who have NEVER worked before is staggering.

Startups are literally the place you want to hire and fire people. Why waste your capital on someone who isn't a fit with the company?

Ask ANYONE in that company. Angel is the problem not employees. He doesnt have a clue and has zero support from team. Bad news to come.

This is now a Mr. Bear Wolf /thread
Where is Mr.Bear Wolf? How long has it been since the proper Mr. Bear Wolf was around?

I miss him!

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