What would you invest in if you had 6500 USD?
What would you invest in if you had 6500 USD?
A gun so you can rob rich Bitcoin nerds
pussy. gold. 1/8 of weed
how do you invest in bitcoin?
By shorting it 100x
what does shorting mean?
Babb. Millionaire in a year.
can you guys recommend me a beginner's guide to investing?
By buying some and hoping it goes up in value because you believe in the tech so that you can sell it for more USD.
Go to the nearest branch of whoever you bank with and tell them you want to buy a mutual fund.
2500 ADA
2000 for hashgraph when it’s available
2000 for NGR
Man you don't know shit. Don't listen to anyone on here kek
>Believe in the tech
But isn't the tech pretty mediocre compared to other coins? Isn't the entire value of Bitcoin based on its hype and fomo? Isn't it kind of a huge bubble?
entry level - long haul, guaranteed money eventually.
a mining rig
tell that to other things that are clearly scams like HerbalLife.
sure it should fail but there are enough idiots who will prop it up.
might as well enjoy the ride
All in on Monero. No matter how shit this market gets, the darkweb will still use that pedo coin.