
Las Malvinas Son Britanicas

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first for israel

Fuck Jews

Depeche Mode

no majority for any option but Confirmatory public vote got the most votes . surely that's the winner then

Don't want a deal
Don't want no deal
Don't want to leave
Don't want to stay
Don't want another vote

Your move Theresa

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No Deal is the winner, because it got a majority. Twice.

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How convenient. MPs cant agree on anything so it will go to the people to vote in a second referendum. Isn't it funny how that turned out

on a big disco house kick lads



Feeling sad lads.


When it won the referendum. When parliament backed the referendum.

Yeah, when I first saw that bikini top on her
She’s poppin’ right out of the South Georgia water
Thought, oh, good lord, she had them long tanned legs
Couldn’t help myself so I walked up and said

They turned down a second referendum too

the gf

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lmao this level of banter against Soubry

cackling at this dumb image lol

Queen's just croaked it lads
of all the days hahaha

the referendum wasnt a vote on no deal

brexit is the most embarrassing event not just in recent history, but ALL of history. thank GOD i'm not british, i'd be ashamed to even show my face to the world.

ayo hol up treeza ye?

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well objectively I'm doing well (good job, nice car, mates etc) and I'm a good enough looking bloke (6'3, lifting rugby player) so I should be pretty happy.
I just feel like I'm never good enough

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Bercow is getting increasingly red

>Brexit options all rejected

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>ducking beach
Is that like a petting zoo?

I fucking love Parliament lads, the banter is just top level

What is that Jow Forums meme about the manlet uprising?

Day of the ladder or something?

shit neflectful upbringing probably

Democracy is a sham. The people vote for something and it won't even pass through parliament.

cassius is good

what a fucking disaster

i didn't think this shower of shite could get any worse but wow fuck

>all brexit options rejected
ah yes so shall we just stay in this state of limbo then?

Britain doesn't want to stay, doesn't want to leave and doesn't want a deal.

They should just sink to the bottom of the ocean.

It's so ridiculous you have to laugh

>donald trump announces candidacy
>it's the most retarded thing in the world
>yanks back it wholeheartedly

>brexit presented as an option
>brits prance around back and forth in front of the finish line

why are we such ninnies

need to know where i stand (pun intended) in this uprising
what is Jow Forums's cutoff for manlets

hope the EU invades UK and balkanizes it

Literally was. Nobody had even suggested any such retarded deal before. In fact one of the biggest complaints of the Remain campaign was how hard it would be to get a trade deal (i.e no deal) after brexit. People expect a no deal exit, with a fast tracked trade deal equivalent to that of any other nation with a trade deal to the EU. The media and government are being dishonest in their tactic to avoid talking about this option at all cost, and imply we must keep a political and social tie to the EU when none is wanted, and none was voted for. This is why nothing will pass parliament, because nobody is voting on the option that people actually want.

Ian Blackford is the only voice of reason


>I don't understand that Britain isn't a democracy, it's a parliamentary democracy

t. Ian Blackford


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Parliament's acting like a bird does when you ask her where she wants to go for dinner

>hope the EU invades UK and balkanizes it

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We need a general election


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go away

5'11" and below are manlets

there would need to have been a referendum on deal or no deal for you to say that

on Jow Forums 5'10'' sometimes even 5'11'' is the cutoff
real life 5'8''

Howling at how hated Soubry is

Problem is we elected a government on the manifesto promise of delivering a brexit referendum. That must be respected. No amount of intentional delay tactics makes it democratic to go back on that word. We had an election in 2015 to give power to the people, we had a referendum to honour that because that pledge won. Delaying this retardation for 3 years is not a valid argument against the system we all agreed to, and the system that decided on brexit being undertaken.

I don't think even her husband likes her

t. manlet

So as it turns out, Brexit...doesn't mean Brexit?

>democracy is good
Thick cunt

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why tf is dis romanian nigga be talking like he knows what the EU does :crylaugh: :crylaugh: :crylaugh: :crylaugh:

The BREXIT referendum was just that

But the parliament already rejected a no deal Brexit.

>I don't understand my own country's political system


guess I'm fighting for my fellow manlets then

Ate some crisps and 4 custard creams

May have unintentionally undone the rest of the day's diet.

only option left is to invade belgium

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>Ken Clarke's proposal for a permanent customs union with the EU came closest, and was beaten by 272 to 264 votes

>Margaret Beckett's proposal for a second referendum received the most votes in favour
so it's simple
have 1 more vote
>customs union
>second referendum


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yeah mostly

naaah i dont have a problem
probably is a bit overkill innit, not OD territory but on that dose it'd be quite obvious im high to the hairdresser.

t. gammon faced hooligan on College Green

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>taking a decision that will affect Britain for the next decades on what amounts to literal statistic noise

That was a non-binding vote so if you are really going to suggest that if it's legal then it's right (which is itself idiotic, but lets run with it) then no deal is still very much an option.

We /first past the post/ nigga

None of this second place - first loser shit in Britain

This entire process has been a wonderful shambles

exactly it was a brexit referendum not a no deal referendum


The only option left also happens to be the best option. The UK is going to become a member of the United States

idc about this debate you're trying to have
you're foreign fuck off

havent seen this image in years

The SNP have some surprisingly good operators for a meme party, Angus Robertson did a fairly good job at PMQs before he lost his seat

You can call it what you want but a antional referendum is not statistical noise.

it's the perfect plan

What we need is a Guy Forks type fella to blow up parliament and just start again

enjoying the chaos ngl

soon after the crippling defeat of the alt-right brexit drones in UK, the government passed a law that would require all wh*Te dogs to undergo forced chemical castration and HRT.

>not enjoying spotted dick

independent federation of celtic nations with england put under german occupation


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oi treeza

I am British, despite what the flag says. I'm not even in romania but mobile internet in Europe is always wonky. It said I was German in Amsterdam and French in Belgium.

catbrah is back i know you missed my catsnaps

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willy twitched at this.

Brexit won by literal statistical noise. The whole "but millions want Brexit!" literally doesn't mean much when "millions don't want Brexit."

isn't britain still part of the eu though? so staying in limbo is just remaining, right?

only teenagers care about Brexit anymore

electro has taken over house/techno as the edgy 2nd year uni student music of choice


>tee hee hee i'm bent btw :3