Portugal statistics thread

Post interesting charts about the portuguese way of life

Attached: portugal.png (2027x1358, 171K)

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Attached: port.jpg (1080x1807, 529K)

Just a map of Africa.

Attached: Africa.png (313x353, 2K)

seething faggot from the other thread KYS

Should have made it a cat eye

is there a country more easily butthurt than portugal?

Portugal is better than Shitaly, there's an interesting fact for you.

Portugese are sharingan users?

Attached: made poop.jpg (1922x765, 234K)


Attached: redgal.png (1292x646, 292K)

Attached: Portugal Rankings.png (1430x1080, 957K)


>Chinese officials then proceeded to executed the Portuguese embassy, slicing their bodies into multiple pieces. Their genitalia were inserted into the oral cavity. The Portuguese were executed in public in multiple areas in Guangzhou, deliberately by the Chinese in order to show that the Portuguese were insignificant in the eyes of the Chinese.

>When more Portuguese ships landed and were seized by the Chinese, the Chinese then executed them as well, cutting off the genitalia and beheading the bodies and forcing their fellow Portuguese to wear the body parts, while the Chinese celebrated with music.


Attached: BF40A381-9812-4344-9C73-3DB4BFFBA09B.jpg (222x227, 14K)

Got what they deserved. They were assholes who would just show up and demand free shit and if you didn't give it, they'd park infront of the port and shell the commerce.

They also kidnapped innocent canto children for sexual slavery, fucking savages desu


>Portugal is a bad place to li-

Attached: muslims in 2030.png (1284x431, 229K)


Attached: 1529365775597.jpg (598x415, 60K)

Rather live in Funland, CZR, Poland or Estonia

Based and honk pilled