This is literal communism

How did Americans sink this low?

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Other urls found in this thread: security beneficiaries 2014 by race black hispanic white&source=bl&ots=IMvvS1GlQM&sig=Ry6RF3ZFXZ2lrIirsA2RClYSRE8&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjX6uzqydDMAhVr5oMKHX_JBaQ4ChDoAQg4MAQ#v=onepage&q=Social security beneficiaries 2014 by race black hispanic white&f=false

why should people who flip burgers have higher wages?

Maybe they realized that, with so much money, they should be working less

this leads to a path of failure and hard times, work is prosperity

>this leads to a path of failure and hard times, work is prosperity

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>basic human rights is gommunism
ok then

this is precisely why we need communism
under communism, the workers are awarded for the value of their labor, as opposed to whatever breadcrumbs that the owners tolerate giving the workers. if you dont work then you wont get shit

Oh, yes. The purpose of life is to work untill you die and not enjoy yourself. Always do something for someone else, always give others your time, yes totally not the ideology of the worst form of cuckold: the mind cuck.

Americans work less and enjoy more life than most shitholes with socialist policies

based Americans coming to their senses.

There is no weakness in help and fairness, unlike many on this board would have you believe. Only the strong can be just and compassionate, and a strong state tries to provide the best even for its weakest members.
America and the American people have been weak for too long but maybe that'll change one day.

Higher minimum wage doesn't do much since the price of everything else goes up with it. Grocery stores, gas stations, retail stores. They'll all raise their prices as soon as they have to pay their employees more, all it does is fuck over people making more than minimum wage by devaluing their money.

Education is already provided, you're not entitled to specialised training. If anyone other than you should be paying for that it should be employers.

So? I am not saying anything about Americans in general. I was telling that user how his ideology is just that of a moralized slave

Being this much disingenuous

Yea I am calling BS on these "surveys"

Seriously fuck people and their minimum wage increases. Get a real job fucking idiots.

>wahhh, why don't you adress my strawman : (

So you're just a faggot throwing shit around

If you can force your boss to pay you more, you should. Anything else is cucked

they have real jobs retard neet

>Majority of feminist studies majors we polled at the local university support progressive policies such as higher minimum wage, free college
Fixed that for you.

If I say yes, will you stop replying to me?

Real jobs don't pay minimum wages, only McJobs do commie frog.


Bitch ass and lazy

lmao fucking gas station attendants make up to 12 starting here. And they're all hiring, I really don't see how people actually choose to work at fast food places.


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kys loltard

>Higher minimum wage doesn't do much since the price of everything else goes up with it.
When will this meme stop? My city's been steadily increasing minimum wage by a dollar a year for the past 3 years and prices are relatively stable.

I would support those things if they were implemented by someone who is anti-socialist. I would give anything to revive Huey Long.

What's wrong with free college?

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kek that's the opposite of communism

Read the USSR constitution faggot

It's like people want the government to act in the interests of it's citizens instead of just being a corporate vessel.

Socialists BTFO. Upvoted!

I don't get it either. Grocery stores pay minimum. You could go do the same shit at Walmart and make a couple bucks more but they stay and bitch to the government to get them more. You could go get hired picking orders at a warehouse and make $17/hr but they'd rather stock shelves for whatever minimum is now.

It's not, it's a job for kids fresh out of school to save up for college while living with their parents.

Here the minimum wage goes up a bit every year and the price of my groceries does too.

Not him but if you're doing an entry level job that bored high schoolers do for more then a few months and you're an adult, just kill yourself.

It’s funny because something like 70% of people here support universal healthcare yet our politicians still somehow deny it to us AND remain in power.

can't wait to see mommy cortez on the news more often

>just like make your life better bro like just do it haha
I bet you retards think work requirements for social programs are great as well.

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almost ALL of those surveys word things in a meme way. For example one of the surveys that I took in college to get entered into a drawing for a gift card or some shit asked me "do you believe that workers in entry level jobs deserve a fair, livable wage"
the question is blatantly loaded and makes ou seem like literally hitler for choosing anything other than yes


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Unfortunately money talks and health insurance companies make A LOT of money. We got our own issues here in regards to healthcare where the LNP keep defunding public hospitals and hand that money over to private hospitals as well privatize others. Said companies will put more money into the parties political campaigns to repeat the cycle. Shit's fucked.

you are a bootlicking cuck if you don’t answer yes tho

>using the le reddit meme to discredit something that literally nobody on reddit would agree with

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I bet you love the concept of UBI don't you

Mueller meme is mostly Clintonite liberals not communists

That's the fucking point

i want drink an old fashioned out of her butthole

Wow what an epic reddit screenshot! You seem to know a lot about the reddit community!

Working hard is for the dumb masses

You don't even have to work hard to make more than minimum. I drove a forklift all day for $20/hr and just sat on my ass.

you officially drank the koolaid if you think that is anything other than a completly disingenuous way of framing the problem. Its basically the equivalent of a polling question about abortion asking "do you support the murder of babies". Its a blatant appeal to pathos and makes the stance that its arguing look bad to anyone paying attention that doesnt have a hyper partisan opinion about the topic already

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Would you mind educating me about picking jobs that are simple?
why yes, there are jobs I have seen where you don't do much, and earn quite well enough.

Also who exactly do they poll for these surveys?


Thanks you for your blessings.

>not owning a business
all of the "hard work" isn't that hard if you aren't a brainlet and can handle logistics.

Do something that's easy but in demand.

People always need food but grocery stores pay minimum? Find a job in the supply chain. Drive a truck, work on a forklift in the warehouse, become a supervisor or office clerk.

I'm fine with socialized medicine and neetbux but free college is fucking retarded a majority of the US has no interest in college and it would make the value of a diploma drop substantially for the people who actually wanted it.

I have an idea for a business.
After searching for a way to start a business, it seems that a lot of paperwork, and I could not handle the logistics.
The money also is another factor, I don't have a thousand.
If you did start a business, how much money did you have when beginning?
Did you consult anyone to start the business, or just by yourself?

In NYC they've started seeing the cracks if it starts going up too much relatively quickly. The amount the place could raise food prices so eventually they hit a point where they are losing money or just breaking even (rent for everything is insanely expensive here). To be fair cutting rents for everyone would alleviate the pressure on business and employees. But rent and property are is how because someone decided to just let foreign investors and oligarchs buy up property with no regulation.

I think the entire college system needs to be reformed. It shouldn't be set up so t hat certain institutions exist as grooming centers for the elites.

You really should talk to someone that actually lived in the USSR or Warsaw pact. It was corrupt, inefficient (why maintain the equipment when I can just put in an order for a new one when it breaks from lack of maintenance), smoke and mirrors, poorly run, etc. Then the "benevolent" communist party members and their friends snatched up everything for cents on a dollar when it collapsed.

Basically what said.
I work as a caretaker for multiple graveyards. People always die so I'll always work. 20ish dollars an hour to put people underground sometimes. Otherwise during the summer I sit on a riding lawnmower and listen to music all day. Winter is just plowing snow sometimes and constant vacations.

They also shouldn't let a bunch of dipshits take out loans for worthless degrees. Additionally they really need to make it more socially acceptable for people to study trades and other avenues instead of making everyone think they need to go to college.

>Supervisor or office clerk

How does that have to do with food?... Oh, maybe.
I do know something in here that will be in demand in future, I will have to start contacting companies...
I want to start my company, but I do not have capital

I have talked to people from the USSR (and Yugoslavia FWIW) obviously there’s no unanimous opinion among all former Soviet/Warsaw pact citizens but they seemed to recall that it really wasn’t anything like the nightmarish mess it’s portrayed as


I, the honest working man, must bank the handouts for subhumans who can't function so they can keep consuming.

And you’re deflecting. Nothing about this is misleading, probably because professional polling companies wouldn’t be professional if they only ever asked loaded questions.

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Why would I do the work of owning a business when I could do something much simpler and just vote for people who would make my boss pay me more?

Free college doesn’t mean guaranteed college you brainlet

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I work every day with a bunch (ex USSR, Poles, a Serb, Romanians) They all have the same opinion that it was an inefficient trainwreck and run by corrupt people. (One of my German relatives also married an East German that escaped) The fact that their equivalent wages stagnated during the period while those in the west kept rising is a good indicator that the worker wasnt exactly benefiting. They hemorrhaged their educated who would flee every chance they got. If you have to stop people from leaving things arent going well.

I’m really hoping there is some sort of wave of populist mayors opposed to foriegn investment soon. Foriegn investors ruin cities everywhere.

>30% of Hispanics voted for orange man
What did they mean by this?

It's mostly the Cubans.

Interesting thing is when the majority was getting back into populism thanks to Trump and Bernie.
>exit polls

PSA: Do not attempt to feed the monkeys.

thats not deflecting at all. thats pointing out a loaded question that was literally put together by a student conducting "research" via mass email. simply asking if people deserve a "fair" wage is a no brainer as otherwise you are already conceding that if you say no you believe they deserve an unfair wage. If that question in particular was to gauge support for a minimum wage increase then you need far more information to give a fair answer. For example a blanket increase to $15 minimum wage across the country would be full retard given the vast differences in costs of living across the country. Businesses in rural areas would literally be unable to function, especially considering that restaurant closings in seattle were at their all time high shortly after their rise and they are one of the richest places on the planet.
the definition of a "fair livable wage" is completely up to debate. Should you be paid a wage capable of paying rent and full cost of living in a gentrified pricey city like san franciso working a job that is literally already fully automated in some places? If so why?
This is the problem that im trying to get across. You cant be super general about questions like this even in a short survey as there is so much more context needed to give a fair answer. Not that I expect you to ever put that much thought into any of your beliefs as you clearly follow your emotions instead of your brain

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The obvious fact is that there are people who are critical of the system, and there are many, many people who have/had mixed opinions about it.

The point is that the questions in the OP aren’t loaded at all. Your experiece with one unscientific poll in college does not immediately discredit all polls you don’t like.

business idea: kill off all blacks and hispanics and THEN fully instate democratic socialism

gonna post sources in advance this time because someone always wants to strawman based on who put the chart together
>Taxes paid by brackets:
>Racial groups by income bracket:
>Medicaid Enrollment by race, projected from these numbers:
>Welfare use by race:
>Medicare Enrollment:
>Social Security Enrollment by race in 2014: security beneficiaries 2014 by race black hispanic white&source=bl&ots=IMvvS1GlQM&sig=Ry6RF3ZFXZ2lrIirsA2RClYSRE8&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjX6uzqydDMAhVr5oMKHX_JBaQ4ChDoAQg4MAQ#v=onepage&q=Social security beneficiaries 2014 by race black hispanic white&f=false
>Total US Government Spending at all levels 2014
>Total US Government Revenue of all types and at all levels 2014

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The polling literally said 15$/hr and it wasn't dine by email, retard.

a higher minimum wage leads to a labor surplus meaning that more are willing to work for said wage than being hired

If they rise too much they'll just automate the jobs or fire people to pay for the ones they keep employed.

where in the thread have the questions even been posted? Im genuinely curious if I must have missed them because the picture in the OP tells me nothing and based upon my own experiences leads me to believe its clickbait bullshit

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and hire less or cut down on hours

Would make sense to cut out the middleman of race and just kill all the poor

Though I oppose the minimum wage increases on the grounds of inefficiency. I would argue that public colleges should be free or at least cheaper on the grounds that said universities already receive taxpayer money

read the reply chain before commenting to save yourself the embarrassment next time. Im talking about someone claiming that "do you believe that workers in entry level jobs deserve a fair, livable wage" is not a loaded question

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Providing the statistics is one thing. Providing the methodology is another.
And that's just assuming that these statistics give a total view of an individual's effect on the economy throughout his or her lifetime (they don't).

What are you going to do when minimum wage jobs are taken by robots?

>autismo thinks if he puts together enough links he can convince people to support genocide
Kill yourself

That's not how the question was asked is what I'm getting at. It didn't asked with a load question. Basically said 15 dollars yes or no.

I never said it wasn’t a loaded question, I just said that you were retarded if you didn’t agree with the sentiment the question was pushing.

I'll join the YANG GANG.

Yeah the fucked Vancouver and Melbourne too.

the methodology is simply taking average estimated tax inputs by race minus average estimated value of benefits received over the average lifespan of each race using official government data. some unavoidable downsides of it are benefits such as discretionary government spending of things like subsidized insurance plans on high risk beach houses that get destroyed as things like this are not tracked by race. That being said if a "true" value was possible it would not be off by more than +/- 10% at the absolute most.
If you care to talk about economic output in other ways im all ears as all most metrics that ive seen such as employment rates that may suggest some measurement of economic impact largely tell the same tale

As Churchill said: "I only believe statistics I've doctored myself"

>you are a bootlicking cuck if you don’t answer yes tho
and I literally said in my first post that its worded in a way that doesnt even ask your opinion on the topic. you saw this as deflecting and then tried to change the subject to purely about the OP question

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