What the F*CK happens here?

What the F*CK happens here?
Is it as spooky as my boy Stephen King makes it to be...,

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One of the last uncucked states in the northeast

America is a spooky country

Can I get a response from a non braindead buzzword-spamming Jow Forumsyp

It's up there with Vermont in terms of absolute based-ness. It's civilized Americans live.

Dont leave the house between ~late november and ~early march.

Spotted the commie-fornian who's never experienced #babysfirstwinter

Dont leave the house between ~late november and ~early march unless youre travelling with a posse of armed neighbors.

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Lobster fishing

Is that sposed to be a wendigo or some shit?

It’s pretty cold in winter and a lot of people there are still wasp

But is it spooky

Poor white people and opioids. Also they've imported Somalis as well.

White people are spooky, so yes

listen to me very closely user.
they will tell you that those states are known to be majority white, very, old, and have an abundance of seafood. very enticing, yes?
you must not listen. whatever you do, dont GO THERE. More specifically, avoid that area during Christmas time.
remember these words user. i am one of the few people who know the truth.

This. The second thing that comes in my mind when i hear america is their serial killers stories.

It’s fucking beautiful and the northwestern bits speak French

Coastal Maine (Portland) is heaven

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I went there every summer and since other times. I could tell you....

Don't others from Maine consider Portland Northern Massachusetts

We can't we have more narrow streets?

>cuckina italiana

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>cocktina latina

It's our most forested state I think. Something like 96% percent of it is technically just straight forest.

The coast is all about fishing. Lobster is massive there. It's next to Quebec, so near the border you'll hear French sometimes. Just endless forest and fishing really.

Mostly woods, "big" cities are full of somali's, a lot of drug addicts just like the rest of new england/the country

that part of the country (northern new england) is one of the safest places on earth in terms of violent crime


Its tied with northern minnesota and rural utah/nevada for spookiest place in america. lots of ancient sour ground that even the native americans tread very cautiously.

many a native family perished in the frigid winters in the pre colonial days and lots of early colonist communities were wiped out and still haunt the forests and parts of the coast...

Why didnt they just get to warmed lmao

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Lobsters and shit
