Muslims aren't base-

>muslims aren't base-

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they'd never punish mussies the same way they punish christians. even being anti-gay marriage is a big no no these days

Why are the minorities in Britain so based?

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>lessons on gay relationships
>diversity classes
wtf glad i don't go to school anymore

>muslims don't like gays and are straight
exclude Turkey please

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If I had to pick between gays and muslims to live in my country, I'd pick the gays

Of course you would Frenchie

we guessed, faggot

what's the difference?

No need to be rude Abdul

Turkey isn't Muslim, it's Turanic

School should only teach maths, science, humanities and English.

No social stuff, that's up to parents

this unironically. At least gays wouldn't scream like fucking monkeys on the train

>scream like fucking monkeys on the train

Don't want to share the gibs.

I take the train everyday to go to university. At least once a day there's a herd of loud niggers or arabs screaming and making a mess in the train. Even in uni the loudest and most ill-behaved people are 80% of the time arabs and blacks. Also they smell like shit. So yeah I'd rather live in a society filled with faggots.

Humanities always lead to degeneracy.

me 2

Everyone would pick gays. I've never heard about gays who decided to blow up themself after reading a fairytale

They arent. You can dislike the type of education but they arent protesting because they have an issue with pubescent kids learning about it due to age, they are protesting because they want the UK to conform to their dark ages sand mentality.

>implying anyone wouldn't

Gays never blew anyone up or murdered their children in the streets for not being gay enough.

Also way below average crime rate.

Is this a UK thing? They are one of the least criminal groups here. Even the ones that are criminals, it's usually corruption and has nothing to do with their religion.

>Turkey don't like gays and are gays

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Salam aleikum, muslims

Really want to fucking turn Owen Jones’ head 180 degrees

how about


I'm far right and I have no problems with gays or trannies. Muslims in other hand...


Disgusting savage apes
They want to be tolerated but refuse to tolerate others
I'm happy they are doing their best to alienate the dumb lefties who insist they're not savages, though.

This, I dont have to worry about petty crime, rape gangs, rampant child molesting, inbreeding, forced halal food and suicide bombers from gays. Plus a lot of muslims are fags anyways.

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History is a humanity. But I agree with you

One throws the other off rooftops

Muslims would be an improvement for brazil at this point

This is just sad. Muslims will unironically destroy Europe and western civilization from within. We will witness the fall of Rome 2.0.

the problems that gays bring are nothing compared to the raw savagery of Islam
the UK has discovered birth defects and congenital disorders that were previously unknown and unrecorded in the Britain.
All because Muslims love to fuck and marry their own family members.
It's a tradition aimed at keeping wealth in the family.
And if your childs spine comes out with the consistency of a noodle, well then it must have been Allahs will!
Fucking dumb cunts are literally hundreds of years behind the rest of the world

You do know that some Christians took part in these protests as well, don't you?
Not all Muslims are as bigoted as the anti-gay protestors mate. Lefties stand up for Muslims because they are anti-racist and Muslims are often targeted by the far-right, not because they like the Islamic ideology.

muslims are below shit, they don't improve anything

Muslims are targetted by the right because of Islam, nothing to do with being brown. "Racism" is just an excuse to silence people with legitimate concers about the Islamic community. Such as rampant inbreeding, radicalisation, child sex crimes and mass protests on our streets where they condemn our own laws and culture.

Islam has no place in the west. It never has and it never will.

If the protests were organized by Christians they would have been arrested for hate crimes. Only Muslims get a free pass to be fascists.



>we DO NOT believe in homosexuality
so what, do they think fags just PRETEND to like men just to spite allah?

We got both

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It was merely an act

Personally I would swap every Muzzie for a Hindu if I could.

t. pajeet

both of you need to get out



>that pic...
Maybe, because race isnt same as RELIGION YOU FUCKING RETARDS

>choose brexit
>Islam have no place in the West
not your bussines anymore, western people choose to believe what they want (ofc Islam is better duh).