
Burke edition

Attached: connections.jpg (372x500, 37K)

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Attached: 55564505_2071269926320597_7233354594439397376_n.jpg (960x960, 140K)

Attached: 1553755762386.gif (720x404, 609K)

love seeing solar/wind energy virgins being BTFO by nuclear chads

Attached: 1532838007583.gif (491x704, 3.22M)

kek non of these are me

Shorting Bitcoin with 15x leverage

>teehee everyone is bent btw :v

yes they are
be quiet

Favourite language lads? For me it's Ulster Scot.

Attached: BzLaJ7kIMAAiSvR.jpg (640x480, 61K)

in english doc