>Go outside
>Hot girls outside
FUCKKKKKKK i hate my life.
>Go outside
>Hot girls outside
FUCKKKKKKK i hate my life.
>going outside
that's your own fault
That's why i never leave my room lads
I can't wait for summer, skirts, shorts, dresses and leggings, hell yeah
but i need to buy stuff
Are you handsome desu??? :(
I guess it depends on who you ask. My girlfriend thinks I am, but she's biased of course. I'm quite short though so that has to take some points off. But in any case, you don't need to be handsome to enjoy looking at women in skirts.
Just buy online, that’s why I do
>don't go outside for that very reason
>faggots post cute girls all over /med/
>still get depressed and frustrated
this is part of the reason i stopped going downtown
Islamification might not be such a bad thing after all