Gas the jocks edition
the only girls worth fucking only go for chad thundercock so what's the point ffs
excuse me op i did NOT give permission for such an early new so now you can go sit in the corner and think about what you've done
oops lol
I am chad thundercock
Saw a Red Kite almost pick a Year 7 off the floor
landlord's gonna go spare
all humans must be destroyed
*naruto runs in front of all the cameras*
wheeeeeee!!! haha
how do i get a soft round arse like a girl? my arse is flat and square like most blokes
excellent post
reckon squats would do you good
step 1: be born a woman
return to me when you have completed this step
what the fuck are you on about
tfw have the arse of a teenage black girl, literally get my mum and my gf squeezing it all the time
love how this picture makes virgins seethe
why's your mom squeezing your ass bro
do squats you freak
male arses are literally fucking disgusting
Thought on Manchester?
not me you dickhead
i have lovely arse already thank you very much
pics x
24 now and still constantly being mistaken for a teenager
is it safe to assume i've stopped aging and am immortal yet
My arse
Girls love em
no they do not
god ur so peng
haha you're fat
fancy a rimming?
girls will subconsciously admire a firm pair of buttocks on a bloke as an indicator of his overall fitness
however, a man's bare arsehole has absolutely nothing to do with sex and never should do
Mad how the post quality got better when Alan stopped and bums started.
>no they do not
Yes they do you virgin lmao
turn around like that :#
arse like a slapped arse
Quite fat desu m8. A good schmack will do it right
No gay tho. Just compliments
Bunch of fucking gay bastards
Hello you white dog bastards
take my load up your shitter you bender
this is an old pic
its better nowadays
womans arse is the most sublime thing in the world
man's arse is hairy and revolting
Alri lads
time to finish this campaign
bent all of you
its not subconscious lol
girls love arses and talk about them all the time
You a trap m8? If so I reckon you come plop on my lap
>seagrams and gatorade
An intellectual
How do I move to a third world country and still make money?
Girlfriend said I have the first hairy ass she’s ever seen
Like wtf do most men not have hairy asses? Just bare?
handy that
enough of the gay shit please, freaks
family friendbergs making me be social
Sucking a voddy
bet ur gf's seen a lot of arses
All guys have hairy cracks, not all guys have hairy arse cheeks though.
literally never played a game like that before
only ever played FPS,TPS,platformers, and hack n slash
I see youre a man of culture as well
I'm literally Don Draper, except just a run away coward with commitment issues.
do women like looking at men's arses
mum sometimes gives my bum a playful slap as she walks past me and i'm thinking i should have her charged for sexual assault
I'd shag you and I'm barely even gay.
is your mom a nurse?
Ukrainian housemate is getting evicted for making too much noise lmao
doing a watch
Loathe gamers
older lady at work squeezed my manboobs today and said "yeah you're a c cup"
reckon i could probably beat the shit out of you actually you wimpy yank twat
Little sneak aren’t you?
don't think there's technically any psychological difference between the male and female sphincter but it sure feels like it.
male ones are ugly
Yeah I’m #29 lol hate my life
My cheeks are quite hairy, is that weird?
Off to see the weed man after toil
Ukrainian housemaid is getting battered for missing a spot
shes a criminal lawyer
good, slavs should all burn in hell
would love to see you in tights and a skirt xx
No such thing
Not weird but it’s not that common so I can see why your gf would say that.
It's very weird for me, I am an Oxford bender but not the Oxford bender, he's much more bent than me
all gays should be hanged
Absolute pengness, million times better than a pot noodle
I consider myself a bit of an aristocrat
My granny smacks mine sometimes
might get a van and live in it
it's cheaper than housing
how are you lads preparing for your porn pass interviews?
im utterly clueless
what's the deal with you?
haha imagine dressing up the oxford bender in cute clothes and then pushing him down on your bed and jumping on him haha :3
Not even me who complained (she was loud as fuck though) it was my two other female housemates who emailed the landlord about it.
It’s like she didn’t understand you could close a door without slamming it, she worked nights so would get in at 3:00am and just start slamming doors.
an interesting development
is this further evidence that /brit/ posters represent the top 0.5% of humanity?
always take out the cabbage
I wish I had hairless ass cheeks now...
there's a revision pack on BBC bitesize that can help with the written exam section
don't live in the UK so it hasn't crossed my mind
not really
2 posters a genius elite does not make