I still feel like a little kid even though I'm a 23 year old adult man

I still feel like a little kid even though I'm a 23 year old adult man.

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1. Become financially independent
2. Become attractive enough to get laid
3. Congrats, you've made it

>Become attractive enough to get laid
That's not possible for me.

Are you too fat or too thin? Most people who consider themselves unattractive are just one of those two. Get fit and you'll be fine.

I'm a 169cm short "male" manlet midget
I don't think I'm too fat or too thin. I'm 18 BMI.
I'm just too short.

Im 32, married, and have a kid. Sometimes I still feel like a child too. Reckon it happens to most folks now and then.

>become financially independent

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Ok you're actually short but it's not a debilitating level of shortness. You can still land a short gf.

>You can still land a short gf.
You're delusional.

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literally nothing wrong with that

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