I have an interview with a Big 4 bank in America as a Credit Administration Officer. I might become a banker!

I have an interview with a Big 4 bank in America as a Credit Administration Officer. I might become a banker!
How should I prepare for the interview? The HR BUSINESS PARTNER and VICE PRESIDENT of the bank will be interviewing me.

Attached: bizume.png (859x1076, 177K)

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VP in banking means nothing. Literally everyone above a teller in finance is some kind of VP.

So basically you’re going to be a loan officer?

Hahahaha subtle

>Vancouver, WA

Are you the same user that made the Safeway Produce Architect resume? Top fucking kek mate keep these comig

>Interests: Anime, Manga, Skipping rope, Video games, ESPORTS, Twitch, YouTube, Netflix, Cryptocurrencies, Imageboards, Conventions

I do hope this is a larp because otherwise I have a feeling that the only reason you got an interview is so that HR and VP can publicly humiliate you


The job description said I was going to be a MAKER for the credit facilitation team.

>Cash management specialist

>Skills in Firefox



skipping rope is a cool and intensive workout you fat fuck

>interest: anime
Top zoz

>I might become a banker
OP, you already are a banker!
The fact that you don't know that everyone with a bank account is by definition a banker means your @ teller lvl.
0/10 LARP

Retard, I'll be interviewing for the BACK OFFICE of the bank. The heart of the financial system.

>current year
>working for a bank
>replying to the same larp thread that is posted every day

Attached: A21B0C8B-C02F-4A42-9D3E-61FF1E2CCFF7.jpg (525x525, 38K)

I worked for Bank Of America as a Teller, Teller Operation Specialist, Business/Merchant specialist, then in Corp as a Credit Analyst before leaving to do Mechanical Engineering.

They're going to do group interviews most likely, then single you out for a 1 on 1 interview if selected (if they haven't already).

What I learned is that they mostly care for your enthusiasm for the job (don't over do it and look like a fraud), and also care that you are TEACHABLE rather than a know-it-all.
So respond to the questions in a sense that you are eager to learn more and are open minded. Don't go on a rant of things that you already know unless they ask or if you are able to reference the experience successfully.

You own a suit right? If you don't, research suit etiquette and familiarize yourself in one. Wear one for the day - go shopping in one. They WILL notice you being uncomfortable in one. Everyone does.

OP, If they have a copy Barron's Banking Dictionary laying around. Pick it up have a look though it...

Google google interview questions. Memorize them all. Bring bottled water to the interview and stay hydrated. Spray cologne on the palms of your hands before the interview. Bring a gift for everyone that will be interviewing you. Ask them about their families. Time your bowel movements so you poop 2 hours before interview. Don't wear black, blue, or brown. Don't wear a normal tie.

Purple pill advice right here.

lmao, don't ask them about their families unless they mentioned their own first in relation to a question. That is weird as fuck

>Bring a gift for everyone that will be interviewing you. Ask them about their families. Time your bowel movements so you poop 2 hours before interview. Don't wear black, blue, or brown. Don't wear a normal tie.
Absolute brainlet tier advice


Relax user, you'll do fine as long as your nerves don't get to you.

Attached: jpmorgan.png (636x612, 268K)

Be sure to talk about how the niggers caused the housing market crash

>who the hell schedules a meeting at 5:50 in the afternoon?

oh look, it's this resumee again

Attached: 1481675315030.png (657x527, 63K)