You tricked me into this...i cant believe i fell for it
You tricked me into this...i cant believe i fell for it
Other urls found in this thread:
What did you except? It's fucking useless token. Next time use your brains.
>implying I haven't been telling you retards that this is an overvalued shitcoin for the past 12 months
get rekt and keep bagholding
>whole market drops
>screams about shit token
all the alts are getting recked you faggot
someone fud or shill me this coin beyond the token basics.
Bought it cheap shilled it here on bizz and made 18 BTC profit.
>Thanks for the money faggit
Buy high ?
still up on the 1 week, 1 month charts
this is your brain on daytrading
i have 15k of those, it better go up!
all alts are dead, bat isn't an exception
Look at BAT's charts dumbass. It'll go back up. It's the easiest coin to trade in existence, literally zig-zags up and down.
I can't believe you actually fell for it either
BAT being worth anything contradicts whitepaper
Just by like $10 of a shillcoin and laugh while it goes to $5 and cry when it hits $11 like I do
No I didn't I've spammed BAT threads telling cunts to swing trade., with specific price points YOU DONT LISTEN.
>Buy low, sell high
>Never chase a pump
These are the two most basic rules of crypto and the only ones you really need to follow to make it. Instead of following them, you bought high and chased a pump. You are an idiot, OP. If you are going to let yourself be shilled into pumps and shilled into buying high just because some random people on the internet tell you to, you are never going to make it. The only one at fault here is you, for being so foolish.
I agree! learned my lesson!
I was telling you guys it was gonna correct after the pump.
Lol i love these threads. If BAT is pumping, there's always that guy who says "told you guys to buy weeks ago." Then there's you.
You can make it up with Wysker:
If you knew what I know about BAT you would be sitting comfy not worrying about price.
what is this retard fud thread BAT is a gem amongst chink trash
Do expand on what you know
This token was never meant to be worth more than 1$ a piece. It's literally designed this way.
His Dad works for BAT.
na that's not true
Brandon Eich has a bot coded that purposely suppresses the price to keep it under a dollar, Brave (the company) makes their money from selling ad space, not from the cryptocurrency.
The purpose of BAT is to keep it cheap and have very little variation in the price so that people sell them right away into BTC/fiat instead of hording them. If people were to horde BAT the whole ecosystem would quickly collapse.