Without google guess the country

Without google guess the country.

Attached: 88383D52-F01B-416F-BD93-5526AF917F61.jpg (531x289, 32K)


North Korea

China or North korea


Kyrgystan or Tajikistan


Vermont, USA

>she could have been your gf

I would guess China, since it looks like a type 81. But I think the Norks use those as well

Why didn't you save her, user?

>norks taking all this time to line them up against a wall in the first place
it's china

i wouldn't be on the place of that soldiers, shit, her brain covered all their faces probably.



South Korea

China during the Great Leap Forward

cambodia or vietnam

>Those uniforms in 1958
Nigga please

Looks set up. Perhaps a mock execution

It's China but the girls are Filipina

Source: Googled it (but I assumed China or NK even before that).

Norks use domestically produced AK74s

Peru? Chile?
Whichever South American country it was that had the dictator/genocide thing back in the 70's or whatever.
