Your country

>your country
>what do you do to fight the c*r menace?

Attached: cagers seething.webm (1024x576, 2.95M)

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Fucking hero

Why don't the bikes go in the wrongway lane?

jk bikes are cancer. fuck bikers and i'm not talking about cyclists.

i break their mirrors and crack their windshields with my bike lock

fuck cagers

Attached: 51FFC4FD-9935-43FD-8DCD-36A69ED7B689.jpg (396x482, 43K)

Because if he did that cagers will complain about cyclists “not conforming to the rules of the road”

So when he conforms to the rules of the road cagers still complain

ACMD (all cagers must die)


I always throw rocks at bicyclists or kick them on my motorcycle kek

>blocking the entire road and causing massive traffic instead of riding off to the side so people can pass is 'conforming to the rules'
Bait but kill yourself anyway

desu I'm not against paying taxes for little bike roads next to big boy roads

i put bannans in tail pipes of people with lifted trucks