the future queen of england edition
She is Queen consort.
I once had a Korean neighbour as a wee lad and he actually plays Starcraft
don't enjoy american posts very much
France and Germany are the only relevant European countries.
When Brexit happens, please take over the EU and let England as well as the rest of the British Isles fall into third world territory.
She is pretty
Flatmates being a cunt and blasting music this early in the morning because she heard I had a girl over and was shagging her
>William doesn't have any real medals, just his nan's anniversary shit
someone should shop in a lightsaber
Keep forgetting there’s an American in the royal family
Not fair, they’re not even commonwealth
>late thirties
>c list TV actress
He could've had any wan in the world. He was arguably the most eligible bachelor in existence, and his Jewish 'friend' set him up with this troglodyte and sullied the Royal lineage forever.
>someone should shop in a lightsaber
I summon homealone
wow holy shit fuck off back to r*ddit
>someone should shop in a lightsaber
yeah that's me haha
why are bongs so ugly?
serious question.
kek this is me
How long before he Diana's meghan?
How’d her and Will even get together
imagine being markle's ex husband
imagine thinking "yeah she'll never do better than me, hell yeah" and marrying someone else thinking "hell yeah she's way prettier"
and then your ex marries into the british royal family
Any other /lostandalone/ man in?
Her parents basically set up an arranged marriage and groomed her to be his perfect match
Retroactive American genes.
they should make a movie about me called the 19 year old virgin
How’d they go about doing such a thing
we're not anglo though
really not the best banter there
Woke up
Did a cum in the gf
Are a smoked salmon and cream cheese bagel
Drinking a coffee on the train
My day so far, will keep you posted x
All these type of people know one another, old money and family connections
shut the fuck up you moron
>teehee I have sex btw :v
I watched a doc years back when they were engaged, apparently she was a huge fan and her parents (new money) sent her to the same uni they knew he was going to.
blog on
Please do. I mean, I won't be here but I want /brit/ to enjoy your posts regardless
the best webm of all time
thats funny my morning started out similarly besides the smoked salmon bagel
would shoot myself with my shotgun so it's instant and painless but i don't want my mom finding my body like that
think maybe an exit bag might do it but i hear the lace those helium tanks with oxygen to prevent that
Are they old money or new money
Why do vfs think any mention of sex is a brag lmao? Most people around you are shagging regularly, get over it.
we're unironically not you fucking faggot hillbilly limey cocksucker
>three kids
>no tits
Can the plastic paddy yank please vacate brit, shant be deal with that type of autism this early in the morning.
please please please have sex
shaggers should be put up against a wall
typical american childhood
Sorry you're not my type.
>implying everyone that hates the UK is irish
Ireland is just as pathetic as you are
Cry cry but I don’t need my mo-ther
Just hold my hand while I come
To a decision on it
kind of new, her mom was a flight attendant and they opened up a store selling party supplies and decorations. Apparently she has some genetic ties to the royal family, but who doesn't t b h
Upper middle class.
Yes yes as a matter of fact, I happen to shag! Ah!
the whitlam aesthetic
how dare you fucking mention sex in my presence..
Man that’s a great image
Imagine being Whitlam there
would fuck all of them
gonna have a wank thinking about all you shaggers shagging
how dare you sex mention fucking in my presence..
that counts as intellectual cuckolding
you are an intellectual cuckold
toil begineth
socialism with australian characteristics
Happy Friday mate, will be over before you know it
t. About to get on the beers
Lucky bastard.
how is optus still blocking Jow Forums literally 3 weeks after the mosquelad incident
these are dark times we're living in
>I once had a Korean neighbour as a wee lad and he actually plays Starcraft
>Flatmates being a cunt and blasting music this early in the morning because she heard I had a girl over and was shagging her
>and his Jewish 'friend' set him up with this troglodyte and sullied the Royal lineage forever.
>Woke up
>Did a cum in the gf
>Are a smoked salmon and cream cheese bagel
>Drinking a coffee on the train
>sex is a brag lmao? Most people around you are shagging regularly, get over it.
>gonna have a wank thinking about all you shaggers shagging
>Happy Friday mate, will be over before you know it
>t. About to get on the beers
Just got accepted to the Austrian School of Economics lads
Mao probably done so
Mao was a notorious lecher
imagine doing economics
its literally the hallmark of an incel
English vernacular is so fucking disgusting and peasant-y.
cheers mate, enjoy your evening
cringing at this anglophile
engineering is the incel gold standard
think the joke may have gone over your head bruce. or rather, under your head hahaha
why you so mad though? why the fuck are you going into a british thread if you hate them so much? i mean i hate them too but still you look silly.
go on
Dont want to be neet anymore but theres no jobs lol
Got a searing headache, a blocked nose, and a gut full of rot, on my way to toil
Bout ready to end it all tbqhwy
just put yourself out there
There's plenty
Get yourself on indeed every day.
I'm at uni but found part time toil within a week of job searching on indeed
*unfurls Computer Science degree*
i got a job for you right here!
*pulls out penis*
I'm on fire tonight
yeah sorry I just look the last one
Doing me thesis for me doctorate at the School of Life
there's no good threads on Jow Forums at this time of the night. and bong peasants take bait really easily
Literally shaking rn, my wife's son just got offered a place in the Frankfurt School!
as europoids begin their daily descent to the toilmines the antipodean relaxes in the comfort of his own home, enjoying the piquant taste of a glass of port while the wife prepares an appealing meal in the kitchenette
it's a tale as old as time
*drops out of school in year 10*
heh nothin personal
Imagine being this much of a cuckold freak
Feeling sick for fucks sake
working from home today
cracked open a beer to help me focus
O.O....mind f***ing blown, GRATS DUDE!!!! cant believe that tyrese made it so far!! this streamer ive been donating to has seemed to taken a liking to me as well! she even giggled when she read my last donation! think ill have a real shot with her soon...(prays to neil degrasse tyson) >.