Is it normal in America for an 18 year old son to take off his shirt with his father while executing sleeping bear cubs...

Is it normal in America for an 18 year old son to take off his shirt with his father while executing sleeping bear cubs with their hibernating mother? Does it provide some sort of homosexual incestuous pleasures only el goblinos can feel?

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These fuckers got off lightly

High five daddy we go where we want to kill shit YEE HAH!

They did get off lightly. I unironically hope someone kills the son so the father feels pain for the rest of his life.

Meanwhile, across the border...

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Yeah but this is Inuk way of life lol

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Those bears were Russian commie loving freedom hating spies

Come on canada. You're not as gun crazy as americans but our wilderness rednecks are practically indistinguishable

>nooooo you can't kill dangerous wildlife!

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It's one thing to kill dangerous wildlife to defend yourself, and it's another thing entirely to track down a hibernating black bear and shoot it.

>oh no no no he went hunting the heartless nazi
>I unironically hope someone kills his son

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Boo hoo. From time to time it's good to remind mother nature who's boss.


>eats meat originating from disgusting inhumane factory farms

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>Implying I eat land animals

Both are shameful in the bigger picture, but one is necessary for large scale civilization at the moment while this is just random killing of a sleeping bear and the cubs for no other reason than posing for pictures.

It's always amazing how Norwegians are more almost always more humane whereas the Germans, Anglos, and Americuck savages always advocate for murder on the internet. Very interesting.

christ you're an embarrassment. fuck off to reddit already. can't even meme right

You eat bears? No. Our cattle animals have some role in nature now that they are so used to be fed and cared that they could not survive alone? Also no. One thing is hunting when populations of animals grow too much. Other is killing a animal in his hibernation, with Cubs. A bear has a complex trophic tree of interactions under him that maintain balance in the ecosystem. These too are just cowards. Shooting a sleeping beast is easy. If they want to prove their balls so much, wrestle it naked and win.

Norwegians are way too busy hunting whales all day to be aggressive on the Internet

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>You eat bears? No
I do though

Uneducated Amerinigger can't into basic grammar. Uneducated Amerinigger also advocates for the removing of a sons shirt around his father while engaging in murder for ultimate homoerotic experience. Never change, Amerinigger.

>killing sleeping animals

What? Some kind of redneck masculinity ritual?

>going to prison for killing an*mals

There is no sense in trying to reason with the subhuman savage. They enjoy drinking blood of the innocent.

>clubs seal, as is tradition
>uses seal for food, and hide/fur for clothing
>animal is killed for the sake of a purpose
>child earns the respect of his elders

The virgin american '''''hunter''''''
>skies for miles just to kill some random mother bear
>strip naked like a homo for no reason
>kill bear at it's weakest point during hibernation
>then kill the bear cubs
>no purpose is served


Why are people getting so butthurt over this lol.

Actually it‘s hunting and culling that are necessary for civilization. Human settlements drive away predators and break the natural popcontrol mechanisms. Without our active interference whole ecosystems are in danger of collapse. For example here in Germany about 1.2 million roe deers are shot, while the population stays stable. If we were to cease hunting them, within a couple years they‘d severely damage forests (as they enjoy munching on young tree shoots that prevents the trees from growing healthily), strip ground vegetation and damage crop fields, starting the domino effect of ecological clusterfuck. The whole „don‘t shoot the fluffy cuddly cute animal you monster“ by so called greens is actually the epitomy of ignorance and soyboyism.

On the other hand factory farming in its current state is certainly not _necessary_ to sustain us, it exists merely because of insane eating habits. Particularly in Latin America, US and Straya where on average people consume about 300g of meat per day, while living sedentary lifestyles. So there you have it.

even if you do, there are still rules, which these redneck purposely ignored, hope they get cancer
bearpaws can be delicious

thats professional hunting and it should be rather called wildlife economy, where you sell a "kill" for money
it has nothing to do with retards grabbing their grandfathers arsenal and go on a killing spree in the woods

to be fair if they killed the mother bear its only a mercy to kill the cubs by shooting them

Based merciful americans

Bear is not really meant to eat. The meat is full of parasites and you must cook the meat above a certain temp unless you want to die basically. The meat itself is sort of gamey and not very great. Even when you slow cook it in a stew, it is not as tough but still sort of a bit odd tasting and still a bit tough. Honestly these creatures should be left alone, their meat is not worth it at all especially when tastier animals exist. Jesus red necks are a bunch of faggots. Always looking for the next thing to kill and try to justify their savage nigger behaviour with >muh culture >muh meat for my family reee. If these subhuman niggers had any taste at all they would put down the rifle and pick up a fishing pole.

It is not a question of hunting, it is a question of respect and humility for other creatures. The behavior in the video has nothing to do with your argument about hunting, that can be done in any number of ways without exhibiting the behavior seen in the video.

>On the other hand factory farming in its current state is certainly not _necessary_ to sustain us

It is a question of economics and maybe better eating habits could lead to a substantial decrease in killings, that is a topic for another time, the point is that we do not kill animals at farms for fun or to satisfy some sadistic urge as the behavior in the video shows.

I'm just saying that without the mum the cubs would starve to death, better to put them down

I like how this meme is literally "let me be coldsteel the hedgehog but pretend I'm not cringe at all"

inb4 soyjack with the greentext of my post, lmoa

Honestly fuck bears, I'm glad they killed them.

That is not very nice, Wojtek

Killing bears is necessary for population control.
>they attacked the mother bear in front of her two cubs
Why does this matter? Will they have trouble integrating into bear society, after witnessing such traumatic event?

>law forbids killing bears in a natural reserve
>these particular specimen are even tied to someone's research effort

why are rednecks so fucking retarded?

>hunting wildlife with guns almost feels like I'm having a functioning penis

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Why do Americans do this?

you have to understand in ex commie shithole not abiding the rules is a virtue


They literally did nothing wrong.

it's less cringe (albeit extremely edgy) to claim to do it for the lulz than trying to come up with some retarded excuse like "population control".

>it‘s all those goddamned rednecks

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>what is the difference between hunters and poachers

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Why do magapede dicklets even defend this stuff?


Check out

Being obese and being able to buy a gun at Shartmart is the American Way of Life (tm)

magapedes are sociopaths

>Overvaluing life
>Undervaluing the human condition

Check out

What is wrong with going for a nice hunt with your son?
Literally nothing.

Why are Americans, Germans and Anglos always so heartless and murderous?
Is it just that the people that post here from those countries happen to be this way or are people in those countries always like this?

>oh no you can't just kill dat poor bear family!!! ;_;

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Nice mental gymnastics. I look forward to the day when all Germans have Turkish surnames and brown skin, subhuman fucking dog.

They have a genetic predisposition to murder. They are subhumans which is why interracial birth is a good thing. One day these people will all be wiped out.

Its in our Genes, us Evropeans always were the superior race of conquerors and warriors.

Going for a hunt with your Son is perfectly normal behavior on a genetic level.

It's only the anglos

>Nice mental gymnastics.
What mental gymnastics, they did literally nothing wrong...


t. American on vacation

I don't think this is necessarily the case for all Europeans because from what I've seen Nords and Southern Europeans seem to be pretty normal desu
Only the case for Krauts and Anglos + Americans (occassionally)

>put in fucking jail for killing an animal
lmao what a dumb pussy country

>Always WERE the superior race of conquerors and warriors

Yes, WERE. And now you are being CONQUERED

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What's the big problem?
It's bad if the bears are endangered, but otherwise sometimes you just have to kill bears. They didn't torture them or anything.

>How does a father DARE to go on a hunt with his son and kill some animal wildlife for fun ;^(

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He is probably some bootlicking cuck in the military stationed in Korea

the bears are hibernating, no threat to anyone

>What mental gymnastics, they did literally nothing wrong

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I don't really think a Conquerer/Warrior would be such a pussy as to kill a sleeping animal and it's kids.
Maybe if they had attacked the bear when it was awake and energized, your point could somewhat stand but in this case it just seems like a massive pussy and his passive pussy offspring trying to make themselves feel better by attacking a hibernating (basically a comatose) animal

>How dare you kill animals

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At worst, it's a somewhat immoral action. It's not something to fucking put people in prison over, or get absolutely triggered. A sizeable fine and a stern warning might be warranted, nothing more.

>Why aren't you having a 1v1 sword duel with that bear
>A good warrior is a warrior who fights honorably, not the one who wins

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Bears sleep for half the year, sometimes you need to kill a bear in the winter. Maybe for meat or fur.

he actually went out to that bear cave just for the purpose of gunning down sleeping bears

it's not even good sport, you're just killing things with a high powered rifle

We both know you don't give a shit about those bears. You just get outraged at anything an American does or any little thing you hear that came from America for the sake of hating us.

>you need a reason to kill an animal? I'm not doing it for population control I'm just having fun. Oh yes just look at this big black gun, it makes my weenie twitch
>OMG I feel so manly when killing animals with guns that I wouldn't have a chance killing with my bare hands it's like I'm finally having control over something in my life
>ahaha you don't kill animals so you won't feel like a meek loser? Look at this cuck

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the seal hunt in indigenous groups is quite a hilarious point of contention in native activism up here, as many environmentalists are allies of indigenous groups against industrial pollution while also getting butthurt as all fuck due to indigenous peoples in labrador and the northern territories hunting seal (in the most sustainable way possible mind you)

I'm a legit Korean though

Tbqh I bet there is no one (with normal sexual preference) hasn't killed a cat or dog just for fun at least for once in their life, We all do that. Stop being hypocrite and just accept that we're entitled to kill some animals for any reason

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>At worst, it's a somewhat immoral action. It's not something to fucking put people in prison over, or get absolutely triggered. A sizeable fine and a stern warning might be warranted, nothing more.

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>Spending quality time with your sun is EVIL
>Those poor Bears THEY DIDN'T DO NUFFIN

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Wrong. I love animals, especially wildlife like this which is precious and crucial for a balanced ecosystem. But you are right, I do largely hate Americans. Not all of you, but pretty much 99% who post on this cesspool of a website. You are mostly a bunch of pathetic cowards who will one day be bred out. I fucking hate white Americans.

You realize bears kill people all the time, right? Faggot.

>you're just killing things with a high powered rifle
Yeah but sometimes that's just what you do, everyone is overreacting.

when will it become legal to hunt americans? they aren't people so there's no human rights issues

That bear would maul you to death if you ever encountered it. So would any big cat, or any other predator. Fuck them. Stop being such a whiny pussy. You Canadian cuckolds make me fucking sick.

Also this, both bears and Americans should be allowed to be hunted legally.

It was coming right at them fagot.

saving you dog eating fucks was a mistake

Please accept my apology for the autistic shitposter, not all germans are like that.

It's a crime to hunt without a loicense, though. Do you happen to have one?

We're the ones that aren't people? Okay, Norf man. Look at your piece of shit island. Settle down you fucking inbred.

>Please accept my apology for the autistic shitposter, not all germans are like that.

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Maybe when the population grows to 10 billion+ and we need alternative food source.

And why the fuck would I ever encounter the bear? I know it would maul me to death but I don't go out of my way to delve into the wilderness with my wife's son, shirtless with guns to shoot them and prove my manliness like some gigantic cuckold faggot who has a small penis. You subhuman Amerishits make me want to vomit. If you were genocided I would give no fucks.

>He doesnt work up a sweat while killing dumb bears
Get a load of this fag.

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>We're the ones that aren't people? Okay, Norf man. Look at your piece of shit island. Settle down you fucking inbred.

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are you going to cry?

Imagine being this defensive about all the ways you're lacking in every aspect of masculinity. Guaranteed this is some city faggot from some soulless concrete landscape.
Go back to rddit butthurt underage.