The witnesses couldn't answer this question so let's see if biz can

The witnesses couldn't answer this question so let's see if biz can.

>What problem does crypto solve that a bank can't?

Attached: Mrbobo.png (582x744, 404K)

Other urls found in this thread:

The kike problem.

A finite amount in circulation.

crypto make me rich sir

bank not

there is answer for you sir


we hate that which has center

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every transaction traceable
no funds get lost
perfect to trace money launderers and terrorists

It's cheaper than a bank.
Faster than a bank

This is the automation of the finance industry

Banks enslave, crypto liberates

Gonna need a source for that fake news image chief.

Scalable and liquid but insecure (unknown and unprovable emission schedule) alt-coins ($USD $EUR $JPY, etc.) have second layer applications with more than $10 TRILLION of negative yielding instruments.

For pensions, retirements, etc., any thoughts on how this experiment may end?

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why they couldn't answer it

Hey post a source for that fake image.

it solves the usury-kike problem

it solves the problem of slavery

Boomers will wait till 40 years of green to make sure they are buying the absolute top.

They are not so different from us

Source: BAML

Thanks for your interest, Mr Shekelsten.

Attached: usury.png (1453x1182, 881K)

nobody posted a real problem yet
if you guys are so smart why don't you go to these hearing to answer questions? I'm sure you are smarter than the guys with the phd's and business owners

>muh gold standard

>nobody posted a real problem yet
these posts exist

Now you're really in for it.

Here's your source:

Also notice that neither of you reached back before 2014, where data actually shows that negative interest rates have typically correlated with the exact opposite of your intended 'end point'.

Actually its going to show that theres literally zero correlation and you're just strawmanning your confirmation bias.

There hasn't been a single time in history where the global % of bonds with negative yields have had any discernible effect on "pensions, retirements, etc.,"


>muh jews
>muh slavery
>muh artificial scarcity
non problems

There can be no prosperity without inflation

> kikes controlling almost all private "national" bank around the world and enslaving people trough perpetual debt
> is against btc essentially taking power from them

gee color me surprise

>What problem does crypto solve that a bank can't?

You can pay online without a bank acting as a middleman.

Up yours, brainlet.


So let's say everyone's paid in bitcoin. Mr.Jahnson has an unexpected auto repair so he had to use btc to pay for it. The next week bitcoin goes up 10%in value and now all the products must increase price to keep pace. Mr.Johnson is out of luck.

It solves the bank problem.

>Ask what problem crypto solves
>Don't accept any problem as a problem

This is what a kike looks like.

infinitely keeps track of precisely where the decimal is

It's not a problem until your bank account gets dried, then bitcoin holders will be laughing at your dumb ass.

bitcoin will go to 0 way wayyyyyyyyy before my bank dries up

>he next week bitcoin goes up 10%in value

that's where you're wrong. btc price in dollar become irrelevant once people can use it everyday
1btc = 1 btc

just like the price of usd against yen is irrelevant for 99% of the peoples

This is a Jude post

1 BTC = 1 BTC

Maybe stop measing goods and services in imaginary currencies.

But if anything, BTC is already better gold. The fact that Cuck Bezos's wealth is bigger than BTC's marketcap should be pretty revealing of how undervalued it is to anyone with a functional brain.

Attached: Traits Of Money.png (661x394, 194K)

It removes the risk of having a central authority controlling currency by having distributed ledger technology. It can be significantly faster once scalability advances. Immediate, secure smart contracts for trustless agreements. Fraud prevention through decentralization. Universal access and possibility to be a global currency and method of immediate money transfer. Cuts out the middle man of money transfers (banks, money orders, etc.) and allows people to directly transfer digital currency to each other without relying on third party services. Finite supply, as opposed to the USD, which is constantly being printed from nowhere and creating a huge debt bubble, ready to pop any minute.

So ok we do digital gold standard this time.
Prices of good start dropping as we make more of them. Consumption crashes. People lose their jobs. What now smart guy?

Just got into crypto but I have lots of questions:
1. If banks freely printing money is a problem, how does crypto solve this? Isn't mining crypto the same thing? Or technically isn't there an infinite pool of crypto coin, how does it ever gain any value?

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Sovereignty over your money (representation of your time) you fucking slave.

Controlled audit-able inflation that you opt into.


You could easily tell he really didn't want an answer to the question he just wanted to FUD. He only asked that one guy who wasn't able to answer and he basically just talked over him the whole time lol.

>The kike problem.
Jow Forums please go!

>What problem does crypto solve that a bank can't?
having your wealth stored in a modern digital manner absolutely safe secure and in full ownership accessible from all around the world knowing no borders and limits. when you put your money into a bank account you literally give it away it's no longer yours all you get is an iou from the bank. same shit when you send your crypto to an exchange really. but at least there you can limit your exposure.

Just like Lehman Brothers?

>Or technically isn't there an infinite pool of crypto coin
depends on the coin. usually no infinite supply. sometimes it's exactly the same like with tether.

People in Greece have a limit on the amount of their own money that they can withdraw in a day.
People in Zimbabwe and Venezuela have such extreme runaway inflation that their local currency is essentially valueless.
People in China can't move their own money overseas due to capital flight controls.
People all around the world can't, as informed adults, buy pure recreational chemicals from suppliers, and cut out the entire violent chain of criminal enterprise between them, in order to explore their consciousness and connect with others
People can't understand in simple terms how value is created and moved through society.
People must engage in a form of value exchange that is mediated by the implicit violence of the state, instead of a consensual, opt-in system.

I wish I could face these fucking snake faggots in public discourse.

>Prices of good start dropping as we make more of them. Consumption crashes. People lose their jobs. What now smart guy?

This is as stupid as saying that prices will soar 10% per month with an inflationary currency and no one being able to buy anything cause their money has no worth.

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Deflation and extreme inflation are both just as bad things. You can manage inflation with interest rates, but you cannot manage deflation with negative interest rates.
But if we assume money supply will NEVER EVER grow, you basically kill all capitalism. Under gold standard, all manufacturing is suicide because higher production will push down prices which kills all margins.

But the heat is not free. You are consuming the energy that you've produced by ingesting the food you had to PURCHASE.

>>What problem does crypto solve that a bank can't?

Fees automated accounting

>This is as stupid as saying that prices will soar 10% per month with an inflationary currency and no one being able to buy anything cause their money has no worth.

i have lived through that shit and it has happened several times in my country over the last few decades. it's not the end of the world but it's pretty fucking hard on the middle class. the poor have no savings they will spend their money as soon as they get ti inflation adjusted each day. the rich will move their wealth into assets that are inflation proof early. the middle class will get fucked. but they will eventually recover.

>in order to explore their consciousness
Drug addicts are an embarrassment

Try drugs, you might be less of a miserable faggot.


I would give you some advice but you already damaged your brain just to experience some fleeting images and call yourself enlightened for the trade.

>Deflation and extreme inflation are both just as bad things

No. Extreme deflation and extreme inflation are. You aren't seriously saying that everyone will stop consuming anything but necessities if their money is worth 1% more the next year then it's now?

I'm pretty sure there has been capitalism way before the last century with it's FIAT currencies.

>hello 2008

If people realize prices of goods are going to go down in the future, they will postpone their purchases.

Your entire existence is a series of fleeting images and if you took drugs you would understand that with more lucidity and clarity.

I bet you're fun at parties

in other words: decentralization
perfect decentralization is not possible, but eliminating an entire layer of middlemen always pays off vastly in the long run.

or drugs fuck with your brain and make you feel and think and believe shit that ain't true. which one is more likely?

>What can this Coca Cola do better than the state issues COKE, why do we need more than one beverage?
>what is free market

Images sure, but fleeting? No.

Tell me one single reason I shouldn't chalk your experiences up to someone who is just romanticizing a loopy experience they had and wanting to convince other people to do the same thing as an unconscious coping mechanism to convince themselves they didn't make a mistake that affected their brain chemistry.

Yeah, he went at it like "why should we not just ban this?". That's biased as fuck. It should be the other way around.

no no no decentralization in transaction is just one cornerstone of full control over the funds you have. there is a lot more to it.

middlemen are irrelevant so long you don't relinquish control of your funds to them. smart contracts make great use of middle men, but it's not in their choice to abide that contract like with a legal contract it is also much simpler and clearer.

only problem is smart contracts can't interact with the real world in a decentralized manner yet. but people are working on this. the whole oracle shit and whatnot.

in theory you could make investments based on smart contracts and you would invest crypto and get paid in crypto with interest based on the performance of the asset at one time in the future.

sports betting and whatnot also possible.

Ok, but drug point aside, you're dismissing his entire argument because "drugs are bad mmmkay" which is FUCKING retarded. Makes you sound like a real idiot.

Bitcoin is the final solution.

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No I'm just dismissing him as a retarded druggie.

I'm all for taking down the jews.

the money printing (out of thin air) problem you fucking retard kike dick sucking idiot

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the faggots here are too young to remember the crisis.

>What problem does crypto solve that a bank can't?

>What problem does crypto solve that a bank can't?


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Don't take my word for it. Read trip reports on Erowid. Get an idea of the collective sort of experiences and sensations that are being facilitated by various chemicals. And read the bad trip reports too, read what happens when things go wrong, and how the problems that arise may be ameliorated or averted.
And read what people say about the experiences long after they have happened, when they have had a chance to reflect on the short and long term consequences. Just read and learn, you don't have to do anything you don't want to.

I seriously doubt that 1% deflation will postpone anything. It could kill the cancerous culture of payday loans though.

I will kill investments if nothing else
You can look to history for that, or just look at the effect of GOLD STANDARD, jesus.

>read this poem
>now destroy your brain because of it
Nah I'm good.

>cancerous payday loans

you should check out

>he doesn't recognize that his sober thoughts and beliefs are transient, albeit structured, delusions.

>thoughts are fleeting delusions
>so let's fuck up the brain
Nice logic

>never ending ratrace
>young people unable to afford basic housing
>wageslaving 10h a day till 65
>being forced to spend on stupid shit or your money basicly disappears


KYS you fucking kike

*tips fedora enlightendely

I can send money on friday evening without having to wait for the fucking bank to confirm it on monday?

I can store bitcoin without banks deciding what I get in return (even going as far as paying the banks to store my money) sure it can crash 90% but that is my choice, not yours.

>what problems does online courses solve that university
>what problems does online videos solve that television cant
>what problems does pdfs solve that physical books cant

because we don't have to be dependent on banks

>I will kill investments if nothing else

No it won't. This is just the fearmongering.

Crypto is very good at tokenizing peoples behaviors. You make a bunch of coins and then make a dapp that gives those coins to people for doing things you want and they will behave how you want them too.

You cant really do this with fiat as its a lot harder. With crypto you are able to make a new coin fairly easily then all you need is a dapp. If you want to get a bunch of people to make music / art / videos / blogs for your service you can reward people with crypto coins and they will essential do it for "free"

Crypto is amazing at acting as a way to get people to do what you want them to do. This is especially true for dapps but even just currency coins do the same thing. Satoshi wanted to make a token that people would speculate over and boom now everyone is speculating on its value. Dapps make this kind of thing even more versatile in general.

Its the easiest way to tokenize EVERYTHING and it us amazing for controlling peoples behaviors. Which makes it an amazing business opportunity in general. Anyone can start a company now and suddenly get people to want their tokens so they can do what you want them to do relatively effortlessly.

It is fucking fact

Fuck you. Thanks to you we have to slave 30 years in a job to pay for a mortgage when back in the 60's you could afford a house before you hit your 30's

Controlling is a bad word, encouraging behavior is better way to put it.

no the thing is money represents time and effort and economic performance and obligations of the aforementioned.

if you think the total amount of obligations people are willing to make at any time are constant or linear or anything you are a fucking moron.

the need for money changes over time with economic cycles booms and busts or which result in expansions and contractions.

this is partly due to human psychology. we need to believe in things and take risks for development and then there is a time to asses the results and get rid of shit that doesn't stand trial. these cycles serve a purpose like the seasons.

if you tried to force fixed supply of money on the people then prices would fluctuate wildly between years and seasons.

yea hopefully they wouldn't have to go through losing homes like we did

What problem does bank solve that crypto can't?

That you jsut ripped out of your ass. It's always funny when people rip some "fact" out of their arse and expect people to take them seriously.

It's fearmongering, period.

I dont think this makes any sense at all to say. Crypto is more versatile than fiat because anyone can make it and it can be run through relatively complex systems in a fairly efficient manor creating results that have never been possible before.

yes, keep drinking the koolaid the give you in your kike school of economics, it's totally for the people's well being, not for the governments to be able to manipulate the ecoomy, markets and people's lives to their likings (and no, they don't like people becoming financially independent, that's why they will never go back to the gold standard)

Internationalizes commerce.

People rarely commerce with people outside of their country, through crypto you're putting the monetary value behind your labor and exchange it with someone else's, thus indirectly trading labor.

If crypto was to reign over fiat, for example, countries would not succeed in an isolate way, the good productive decisions of all the people trading cryptocurrencies would benefit everyone.

In a sense, it makes countries GDP an outdated concept, and this is a good thing.

That's what I think too. At first I thought UBI was a discussion about manufacturing/driver automation. But really it's bankers, lawyers, brokers etc that are gonna get 'botted

their traditional role was to take your gold and safekeeping.
then their main role was to give loans for people to increase their production capacity and therefore help the economy grow.
then consumer loans which actually destroy value and are a net loss to society only the bank makes a profit on it. but you could say you kinda exchange values there. you get to enjoy the things sooner that you want and pay a greater price for it.

crypto loaning however while possible is a bit messy. you can't just naked loan bitcoins to someone you would never ever see your coins back. and if you take other cryptos into escrow then he could really just fucking exchange them instead of a loan unless he is a degenerate gambler. so technically as we use the term loan it can't exist solely in the crypto world. because crypto doesn't know legal obligation. i guess that's what banks can do take your legal obligation and enforce it in the legal system and loan you money without anything else behind it but a contract. this all works partly because you only have 1 identity meanwhile in crypto you have as many as you want. and also regulation of course and the state enforcing the banks demand when in dispute.



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