reddit edition
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/balk/ posters that canonically had sex.
thanks, forgot to put it
last thread i got 44 (You)s
nice !
after taxes that should be about 37.6 (You)s
soon i'll be able to afford my trip to macedonia
He meant 31
What do you guys think of Rammstein's new song and music video? I personally love it.
cringe, bluepilled and very homosexual
>you now remember fyrombey ranting about women fucking dogs
I fucked up bros.
>watching my friend play Sekiro for the first time
>he gets to Kuro at the tower
>"So do we have to save this girl?"
>"Yeah, that's our lord. Also that's a boy, isn't he cute though?"
>"Haha what the fuck user."
We haven't spoken since. Help
you're gay now
better smash his bussy
Why does it seem like ever /balk/ poster is bisexual?
I remember one bulgayrian admitting he was bisexual(that wasn't tranlo or tranita). Tranlo and tranita are also bisexual, Xpozed is bisexual. I remember fyrombey admitting he was bisexual, animebey is also bisexual, the magyar is bisexual, effendov is bisexual as well from what I can see.
bisexuality is not gay, though
Beside the point. This is not natural, bisexuals are even a smaller group than faggots yet we have so many bisexuals here. Something is causing this.
Guys what about the protests in albania again im not very femiliar with it what are the demands and why are the albanians protesting
Its a freaking corrupt shithole if you ask me but will the opposition if it comes into power gains a sort of agenda to make the state based on the rule of law and legal state(pravna drzava)
Can't be called bisexuality if the only males that attract you are feminine ones
ueeee zaplata jebreeeeeeeee ayayayayay 4e se napiem kato svinq dove4ero ajajajaja
i dislike travestites but i don't think we should go and kill them
i think female travestites and male travestites should hook up and have babies or someshit
thats how we fix the issue with travestites
only im normal straight male here :/
whats up with all the faggots seriously here at least bring some female friends here guys
I'm guessing because we have no females here, the less manly of us are deciding to become the gf for us.
Aren't those shipos tho?
guys what is the albanian opposition protesting for
ne ni su molim hvala oni su CRNO GORCI
too many albanians in teh country, they want them out
I mean think about it, you have more come on with transexuals than you may think, you both are confused about your identity, you both dislike your slavic/bulgarian identiy, and you want a new identity Makedon(Greek).
Mi smo istorijski, lingvisticki i kulturno blizi srbima nego tatara
Thought it was a meme but what looks like what the bg user was saying is true. Lack of sex and relationships paired with porn addiction will fuck you up. Yesterday i jerked off to twinks in cosplay costumes fucking, for the first time. I mean what the fuck?
How can you come to that? I can only orgasm to black bulls fucking white women
ne nie sme makedonci i ne sme ni bugari ni srbi
I know what you mean, I too have progressed into the pitfall of pornographic degeneracy. First I only watched vanila but now I can cum to trannies, twinks, incest, feet, futa etc porn and not bat an eyelid.
I only like one of their songs, that one where they are all fat except for one guy
>black bulls fucking white women
Also this, since last summer i pretty much jerk off only to interracial, but before that i've never even watched that kind of porn, i watched POV vids and imagined myself in his place.
Pretty much same exept feet and futa is replaced with bestiality
I've jerked off to beastiality too,(actual animals) , furry shit and the other kind of beastiality(negro women), chink women too but never a porn video with a black guy,
I just fap to busty petite or busty teen
You guys have porn addiction
the absolute state of Macedonians
wait until the Bulgarians show up, this is just the begining
i leave for one hour and the whole time you guys here were talking about how you want to pin me down and put your dicks in my body?
wow, how does it feel to be more gay than me
But you are the Bulgarians.
jesus christ
There is nothing gay about wanting to force you on your back, push your knees to your chest, spit in your butthole, and thrust myself in, thighs slapping thighs, until I erupt with the force of a gypsy stealing train rails for scrap metal, before collapsing on you for a breather and to bite your ears.
No homo.
wtf sashko
you should be retaining your semen
all the greats in history were doing it
>Also this, since last summer i pretty much jerk off only to interracial
This is cause you got a huge cock and can only relate to blacks. Only tiny docked "men" jerk off to same-race porn
>no homo
very straight post
People here are "bisexual", as in they only have sex with women, but they also jerk off to degenerate shit. Nobody actually has gay sex.
erupt with the force of a gypsy stealing train rails for scrap metal
>Swedish instagram thot converts to Islam
>Shit sounds like something we write on /balk/
i choked on my bread
the westerners are fucking hilarious
You should invite her to post with us here. She would be a nice addition to this general.
Sweden is on the same meridian as western Bulgaria.
Croatians and Slovakians are literally more to the west than Sweden.
As are Albanians, seeing how most of them live in Switzerland or USA.
so what would you call them
Fucking feminine boys is an Ottoman tradition, me and Effendov are just keeping our traditions alive.
idk, animebay claims to have done it
And we were the ones who got 400 years of islamshit occupation without asking
Fuck Europe
Europeans who are us = Platonists and Cynics.
Europeans who are them = Aristotelians and Liberals.
The Swede is them, the Albos are us.
--> IQ required to understand this post: EXPERT level
whats a good cheap car with low cc and doesnt burn a lot of gas
Skoda Rapid
Opel Corsa $1200
I am a cynic but not bulgarian since I am macedonian(greek) but not greek(turkish).
ти cи гoвнo
>gay tatars seething again
>cheap car with low cc
This is one of the things I love about Greeks. They are the richest nation on the Balkans, and they drive practical small cars (and not 20yo BMWs with tinted windows).
everyone is gayrope drives cheap shitty cars, you just think only greks do it because you're an untraveled seljak
Get an electric
0 τέλη ταξινόμησης + 0 τέλη kυkλοφορίας
>macedonian (greek)
>greek (turkish)
>turk (arab)
>bulgarian (thracian)
>romanian (indian)
>croat (magyar)
>serb (vlach)
>albanian (orc)
>slovenian (germ)
>moldovan (indian)
>bosniak (croatoserbturk)
>kosovar (serb)
yugo koral 45, of course.
First of all, I am pretty sure I've visited more places that a fucking buyrmit, including outside Europe. Second of all, I specifically made the comment in the context of Balkan nations.
gay angry tatars
>>albanian (orc)
nah they're goblins
Threadly reminder that fyromians are a fake nation invented in Belgrad.
>first of all, i don't suck dick, but i do suck more dick than a byuromit, and i specifically made this in context of sucking dick, hence the periods, among balkan nations
trully eдин нapoд
бeгaй лeгaй, бюpмcки
If you hate Albanians that means you fell for the s*Rveian propaganda. Don't eat up serve propaganda people.
oh fuck, got indian twice
i guess the moldovans can be renamed russians for extra butthurt
I hate analbanians because I live near them.
I had a better opinion of Albanians before Jow Forumsalbania showed up here en force an year ago.
Sounds like a shitpost of mine actually
As far as I remember someone invited them over here
>>White women will never even give you a kiss
Speak for yourself
such is life as a bulgar
Greece? no it's Ελλάδα
Albania? no it's Shqipëri
Macedonia? no it's FYROM
Croatia? no it's Hrvatska
Hungary? no it's Magyarország
Bulgaria? no it's Ceдeм Cлaвянcки Плeмeнa
very much this