>Meaningful Vote 1
>Meaningful Vote 2
>Meaningful Vote 3
I want to get off Mrs May's Wild Brexit Ride.
>Meaningful Vote 1
>Meaningful Vote 2
>Meaningful Vote 3
I want to get off Mrs May's Wild Brexit Ride.
same lad, it's all fucking stupid, and I don't want to lose my comfy freedom of movement
Oh no no no no no no no no.
brits are so pathetic
I know. I wish every day that I could have been born another nationality. French, German, Irish, Spanish, American, Australian, literally ANY other country. But no, I was cursed to be born British. What a horrible, horrible fate. Why does God hate me so?
it wouldn't even be so bad if we were born a bit earlier in some cooler more significant time period, being in a comfy Georgian house as a moderately wealthy bong wouldn't have been so bad
May does not want Brexit to happen
Literally all of these problems are because of treacherous remainer cunts trying to sabotage the whole thing.
>Brexit is a good idea!!! I swear!!! It's Theresa that's ruined it!
You need a third referéndum on Yurop. And then possibly a fourth.
kill yourself