Do first worlders even know how lucky they are? How can you be depressed in a developed country and complain about everything? Firsties are such crybabies
Do first worlders even know how lucky they are...
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i think people in 3rd world countries are probably happier, to be honest.
ppl in african countries always look so happy despite the poverty
like this
>t. first worlder
>t. first worlder too
We aren’t.
SK is first world
>number 3
how can new zealand be better than us when they kill innocent muslims
My lad, you are above us in this chart.
You are the fucking cunt who whines about the country all day long for your depressing shithole minimum wage McDelivery life. There's millions of people starving to death all the way around the world and you still thinks that your life is bad while laying on the bed and browsing internet through your smartphone? You should kill yourself or leave this country and try living in South Sudan or something. Hope you still whining all day long over there and get killed by locals.
We sit crying on Jow Forums while they're out doing shit in nature.