March to Leave edition
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where's 190
where's homealone
Dunno if youre a virg or a leave means leave shiller
what a bellend she is
pretty fit fair enough, but no excuse for that kidn of behaviour
I'm a Welsh nationalist.
> people speculating that the kikes had tortured him
course they did
would devour his knob
You want Ireland to become a shitload of warring kingdoms and africa tier tribes?
The penny finally dropped for the DUP, Brexit means united Ireland, they're backing remain now
wow it's actually amazing how cheesy this song is
>A message from Jow Forums, Keep it up
Probably at home alone
Republicanism is English/French liberalism.
It means centralisation and the obliteration of minority nations, swallowing up the differences of mankind into a universal "humanity".
bisch bosch > tilt > the drift
mad how people just randomly die for literally no reason
*randomly dies for literally no reason*
addicted to at least several legal and illegal substances
for me its clanricarde
Preposterous claim
45 min commute and I already need a wee
Pray for me lads
*bursts in to flames*
well we'd better stop singing it then
one poof doesn't like it, time to retire
brexit means bremain
me holding the sign
The deputy leader literally just said so you mongo
no i like the song it's just weird when you listen to it with some more perspective
it's a great song i never said i didn't like it
Mum's getting freaky
poley's friend-making thread has been taken over by thirsty bent /soc/kwankers lmao
Pure mental th
Hilarious how some rando autiste thinks he speaks for Jow Forums collectively
I mean not that it matters.
>brexit jail bait
ain't nuttin' wrong w/ that
working more than 20 hours a week should be illegal
any man in
think you've been listening to too much tim
nowt wrong with the song ffs
state of these gas bags
Yeah he gave up on making any friends from it
Brexit is the will of the Britisches volk.
Oldest enemy
>m'lady i am the OFFICIAL ambassador of Jow Forums
>i come bearing gifts from the front lines
i love the song
It's not dogshit though
paki pizza for a tenner
mum woke me up from a nap and told me I was angrily shouting
haha who else /mental/
youve been here all day you freak shut up
these fucking kids i swear
no it definitely isn't it's a good song
travesty that first reply got no (You)s
would describe myself as a pessimistic serf
éire nua would be a nation of adventure, scholarly learning, philosophy, and all that is good.
so h9ave you, want to be friends?
dont eat halal shite
making a mong of myself
ebin my dude
(read: shut the fuck up)
We pushed him too far
honestly shes pretty ugly in the face. And that barnet is awful
step in the club like pinochet
haha we're fucked
*fixes broken britain/prydain*
Remain has Steve Coogan, Leave has Neil Horan.
Hahaha fucking poley
me on the left
Good old Neil. Dancing up a storm I bet
are we not men?
I am a Briton.
remember bear grylls "better drink my own piss" memes lmfao
shes based
Feel sorry for Ireland being used as blackmail by both sides. EU doesn't even take it seriously, it's just a means to an end for them.
>Normally mild-mannered backbencher: The cabinet are f***ed. They’re so sh**. They couldn’t sell a glass of water to a parched man in the desert. They’re dancing with the fairies you and I can’t see at the end of the garden
I am
and I am being completely honest, not ironic, not joking, not pulling your leg
would rather do manual labor than book learning at college
The Irish are pathetic for not leaving themselves
thats the guy with the jew flag thats always posted here
Anyone that has killed a man in combat is redpilled
are people who want Britain to have only white people ethno-nationalists?
Where do you find white people?
The City
Depression doesn't exist in russia.
You're alright, we wont ratify any deal without a backstop so you save your sympathies for somebody who is upset you clueless cunt
>be incompetent
>kill squadie with friendly fire
The Irish get a lot from the EU so that's understandable but I get the feeling the EU just sees them as Member state #14 and not a nation in it's own right.
Yeah he would be redpilled after that yes
no good asking me mate i just pack the shelves
That's him yeah.
Irish didn't want to join in the first place. They were forced to vote again until the EU got the answer it wanted. Sound familiar?
Why would anyone get those tattoos
Gonnae pop oot fae ae moment tae throuw oot th'rubbish
They're fucked when the tax harmonisation comes into play though, it's not a good long term plan.