no france edition

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just noticed I've bought my ticket to iran during ramadan
I fucked up big time

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Pic related OP

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French girls are exotic.

Black hair + pale skin + qt face.
gibe them!

>That look she gives you when she catches you celebrating Victory day.

gib nip girl first

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>no france edition
Wtf i love italy nao

ravioli ravioli imma pound your boipussi

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French girls are demonically insane and not girls
Black hair + black skin + ugly face
Get ride of them!
I hate them with a passion.

unless you're a maghreboid, you need to leave, g*rm

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Imagine how cute she looks when she's angry.

There‘s still dutch behind dutch flags? I don‘t care I‘d still hate france lol hahaha

A bump and a good evening to everyone.

What is exactly is the problem? Will services be half-working during the Ramadan?

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eww, cringe
anyway, where do you come from?

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Built for Maltese cummies :3

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>no olive trees in the background
wtf turkey

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Based. Are these rules your secret to your many victories in the 19th and early 20th centuries?

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That's classified

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But do you actually follow these rules in your life?

Send anthrax to your boss.

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iran is ruled by sharia
ramadan = fasting season
fasting = no food
I want to eat food and I don't want to get stoned for eating food desu

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Depends on how I am feeling throughout the day i will sometimes siesta. Though when summer comes i will probably do it more

Based and live a relaxing life pilled.
Honestly though, i've never heard anything out of Montenegro. What is exactly is happening there?

Why not change the tickets for somewhen else then?
Or fast with the rest of the people there?

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I will probably change it to a later date
>Or fast with the rest of the people there?
I would prefer to taste the food there, and I'm not a muslim. I only larp as one in Jow Forums

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idk much about the politics desu, but i mostly i am studying and playin vidya desu. Though theese past few weekends ive gone swiming and thats nice. I so i'd say not much desu

>I only larp as one in Jow Forums
Typical. I also occasionally used to LARP, but it was mostly to tick off other Greeks on r/pol. I would pretend to be an albo with decent amount of success.
But i didn't larp on the good old /sg/ days.
In any case, which places in Iran are you planning to visit?

You sound based.
In the coast, or in lake Skadar?

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on the coast

Huh. I would expect the Adriatic to still be cold this time of year.
The Aegean is freezing.
Or do you enjoy the cold?

I don‘t know
50% middle eastern
32% north african
3,8% nigger african
15% european (northern)

well i just dip myself for about 30-60 secounds then i go out and sun bathe and then repeat

I'm planning to visit all major cities; tabriz, tehran, isfahan, shiraz and maybe kermanshah
I'll be travelling by car, so I can't visit the easternmost cities in khorasan or qeshm/bandar abbas, even shiraz will be difficult for me to manage
I wanted to try shiraz wine out, shame about the political situation desu

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wazzup. gf made cookies for me, drank it with some beer. really like ho-garden, wish it wasnt this expensive.

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are you christian?

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What cookies

why give money to beer when you could buy spirits or wine? I recommend bombay sapphire gin, that thing's the tastiest gin I've ever drank in my life

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Its Holy Week soon my brethren

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home made cookies, she baked them


i like beer. its a good alcohol. its pretty mild, tastes good and you can drink 2 liters and still dont get drunk.

Avoiding the east is for the better, the Afghanistan debacle spills over and the Baloch insurgency is still very much active.

Oh, ok then. Sounds kinda hectic walking in and out of the sea constantly.
I know a literal boomer who regularly swims in the winter and for extended periods of time.
G_d knows how he manages it.

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i try to stay in as long as possible and i try to keep a cool face

She is bushra a 8/10 girl if that changes your mind

i will hang you on a cross

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Shit, I know a girl with that name

no u

Easter processions are great.
Can you Catholic civies take part in those?
Here, smaller churches will recruit young adults to carry icons and i volunteer every year.
Funny thing is, i am not even religious.


She is an Egyptian-Syrian femcel who posts in mena
I recognize her horrible posts anywhere

iesu domine...
amor meus...
amorea mortuus sum

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What's wrong with it?

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I see. Thank you, based Egyptianposter

Yes, on Good Friday a number of towns organise this big procession that depicts several events from the bible up until Christ's death.

They don't celebrate it

user, i know you people also do processions.
What i am asking is if your typical civie can go to the church beforehand and volunteer to work in it, like carry around the massive icons.

But they do. I don't get you, user.

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What I meant is that we have large processions with people in costumes, so yes.

Oh, ok then.
Have you ever tried taking part in those?
You should.

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Stop the memes i‘m not egyptian nor female. 100 bourcen syrian.
>horrible posts
Actually no you mistake me for others often times as well and I‘m sorry I don‘t type with emoticons like your beloved princess but if you want me to do that tell me which emoticons
What can I say shit finds shit based (in this case france and egypt)
Is she ugly? All bushras are uggo lol

No, I haven't.

tu n'es pas blanc lol

I know you don't like talking about it but, why didn't you think to become an astronomer in the EU besides Greece?

How's it going Medbros?

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pretty gud
I got a lot of things done and got some of my money refunded by the govt, ate some nice food with the money

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It's very interesting how you people actually show the relevant events during these processions. We don't go to such lengths here in the east.

I didn't weigh my chances on that.

yeah, the first part of the reply was for (you)

All is good that ends well. Tomorrow a lad of mine will return from his sea merchant studies and we will go around Athens to have some fun.

>sea merchant studies
something like this exists?

Doing well.
Been working out at the game trying to build the same sexy inverted triangle shape as Rolando

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don't be sad user, there are better days ahead
glad you lads are alright

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The merchant navy. It is a very big thing here, and honestly very underrated.
It pays extremely well, and the studies are easy.
But the work itself is hard. Being on a bulk carrier for weeks on end in the Atlantic is tough.

how are you, GuPanon?
that sounds pretty nice to be honest, would love to be on a ship and see the world

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I'm ok.
I don't know what other Catholic countries do desu.

>and see the world
Well, depends on the ship.
Bulk carriers have to dock in ports, so you do get some shore leave. My friend visited many Atlantic ports in his voyages.
Tankers not so much. They moor far outside ports, so you get no shore leave. Just staring at other ships going to the port to dock.

The real issue though is everything in between. You are stuck in a huge boat with 19 other guys in typically very rough seas for days after day. If you can't get along, you will have a hard time.

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tired, worked an afternoon shift today at the loony bin and as fun as talking to the schizos is it's more tiresome than it looks

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yeah, I know
I was interested in skipping uni and going straight for a job in a freight but didn't do it
now that I think about it my life wouldn't be too different in terms of income or travel status anyways, kinda wish I went for it.
I see, make sure to get enough rest lad
I'm glad I chose a profession with minimal human contact desu

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>kinda wish I went for it.
Well, are you willing to spend half your year in the sea?

as long as there is internet yeah

Am I a Med?

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depends if we consider french meds or not

we haven't reach a consensus yet

no, you are a vandal
leave these premises immediately, you barbarian

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if you vote for yang yes


Almost, but not really. The company provides you with an app for it, but you have to pay something like 20 dollaridoos for 100mb.
Getting broadband in the middle of bumfuck is hard.


>I'm glad I chose a profession with minimal human contact desu
honestly being stuck in an office or something while barely talking to anyone sounds like boredom hell as I actually like working directly with people but to each their own I suppose...

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>20 dollaridoos for 100mb
thank d*g I'm on the land then
I'm freelance so I don't have to worry about that
I can travel freely and work in anywhere as long as I have internet

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Steve here,how are you guys doing

My dad is from Occitania, he's not a disgusting Fr*nk

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Hey fren.

depends on which part of occitania he is from and when he or his ancestors left for the us

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What's up,how you doing I was hoping I would see you here

post comfy music from your cunt
this one is in Mirandese instead of Portuguese