

Attached: Loyalists.jpg (780x725, 109K)

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Yeah just look at how well the Syrian Civil War is going for the based rebels
Right wing retard

Most retarded thing I saw today. Do americans really?

Right wing retards do
They don't understand that war evolved and unironically believe they can beat the US government in a war from the comfort of their motorized scooter

I need my guns in Walmart for uh protection and stuff, shut up libtard

Do american gun nuts really believe they are some oppressed rebels who are ready to overthrow the gobbernment?

Not the same thing at all you unamerican faggot

Look how well the US military did in Vietnam and Afghanistan
Look how well Rhodesia did against floppies
Look how well the SAS did against the IRA
>implying the military and its veterans are not overwhelmingly right-wing

Attached: Solzhenitsyn-quote.jpg (500x283, 50K)

>Look how well the US military did in Vietnam and Afghanistan


Why do yanks think they lived in the same time period as the Empire.
The only other territories that belonged to GB were parts of the Caribbean, the Gold Coast and some outposts in India.