Are we the bad guys?

Are we the bad guys?

Attached: free-printable-us-flag.jpg (2782x1654, 283K)

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Only to eurocoons and mohammads

everyone is the bad guys. there are no good guys


Of course and in irl villains always win

The red pilled answer is: no but you are not the good guys either

No. We're the long suffering Space Republic trying placate the myriad complainant of a hostile galaxy.


This :C

Who cares, frankly

Your cunt has the potential to do a lot of good but it's run by a bunch of evil reptilian humanoids

>t. Nazbol

We're the GREAT GUYS.

Don't be ridiculous

Attached: the good guys.jpg (991x760, 229K)

You're the least bad out of the bad guys desu

We have done a lot of good. I know you might not think so because you live in the Islamic world but the US has basically prevented any major world conflicts from happening. And no, US conflicts in the middle east don't count as major conflicts, i'm talking about global conflicts involving developed countries locked in total war. I think the world has forgotten what man in capable of since the end of WW2

The Netherlands = lawful good
France = neutral good
USA = chaotic good

lawful neutral = japan / switzerland
true neutral = china (they have no morals at all, just do as they see fit)
India = chaotic neutral

Germany = lawful evil
UK = neutral evil (do what they can get away with)
Russia = chaotic evil


*is capable of*

this. the world is full of decadent spoiled brats. The only people who can really complain is Middle Easterners

I was not expecting so many people to say no

Just nuke Saudi Arabia and Iran and the middle east is solved

absolutely wrong
>China has no morals
spoken like an absolute retard on that one
How the fuck is Russia chaotic evil? Chaotic evil would be Ghaddafi's Libya or Afghanistan under the Talibans

Go to /his/ sometime if you want a non-memey foreign opinions of the US, it's generally pretty neutral and not all poised to be an evil entity like it is here

Explain why we're evil and Japan and China are not.

Indeed in order to be lawful good you have to bomb Serbian marketplaces and let Serbians massacre Bosnians

the jews are the bad guys, you're just their brainless dogs

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>implying serbians and bosnians weren't the bad guys

American people are not the bad guys, just very ignorant. American government is literally devil incarnate.

I don't know. Maybe by the fact that Russians do whatever the fuck they please. Even if it means raiding the house of a foreign diplomat or going outside of their jurisdiction to kill someone because someone upset them.

Everything's just shades of gray really. I wouldnt say any single country could be considered 'good'.

Attached: TheUSAwasacrime.png (2048x1152, 27K)

Or invading countries they are supposed to protect, like Ukraine.

It depends.

No worse than what the Spaniards did

You're right, but it's not an excuse.

It comes with our lawful nature. We can't defend civilians if it's not allowed.

We've done good shit and very bad shit. Just like rest of the world except fucking China

You say that because China has never done anything wrong?

>Ghaddafi's Libya
Ah yes the most developed country of Africa who was doing just fine before Americans arrived?

China has never really done anything outside of China except for recent events. They have always been the one to fight invasions and internal threats.

that was a humane undertaking, as the indians did nothing but persist in squalor, and kill their neighbors.

>he most developed country of Africa who was doing just fine before Americans arrived?

Attached: 1550512077668.gif (320x200, 561K)

>settle near native tribes
>they start scalping and terrorizing settlers
But they dindu nuffin, dey wuz peaceful nomadic tribes


There's no such thing as "good" or "bad", just winners and losers.

Don't ever reply to my posts again dumb fucking kike, your place is in an Auschwitz's ashtray and you know it

Probably because Japan has accepted that they no longer have influence in the world and keep to themselves.

China may be doing horrible things, but they're not forcing anyone to do it too, keeps it's head low on the international stage.

Germans like to roleplay that they're Europe. As in that they dictate the course of the continent and are a moral bastion even though they have brought nothing but ruin to modern Europe and Europe of the past.

>being this butthurt

Cry more.

I don't give a shit about their development, they were huge sponsors of worldwide terrorism in the 80's and even later, hence their claim to be the actual chaotic evil country.

Sweden is the only good country, all others are the bad guys.

We are a moral superpower.

The shining beacon of light in an ocean of darkness.

The foundation for civilization itself.

t. supported the Nazis, not unlike Spain, during WW2

you are the pitbull of the villains

Yeah casually selling resources to Nazis while the rest of the world was fighting them

Canadians are mentally unstable. They'd be retardedly neutral on the graph

Not if you stay on your continent

only niggers love you

Attached: bbc2017_country_ratings-04.gif (843x1136, 123K)

then why don't you love us? ;_;

Based Jewish brother telling canadians how things are.

The only truly evil people in this world are the Portuguese and the Finnish

I agree we should retire all bases in Europe and take all of our nukes out


No. I don't like americans at all, but you are the lesser of three evils. China and Russia are the real threat.

we arent niggers

It's the opposite. Literally every single rich, prosperous and democratic country on earth is an ally of America. On the other hand every country that opposes the US is a totalitarian hellhole ruled by incompetent corrupted criminals where average people are suffering from poverty and oppression.

you have chosen a very unfortunate time to make this post

We're such cucks.

>Germans start both world wars
>Lose both
>French are demanding that Germans are partitioned and massacred
>Wilson steps in and protects Germany, lowering the money to be paid as reparations by 80%
>America gives multible bailouts to Germany
>Germans are autistic and start wwII
>Get btfo'd by the Russians
>French and Russians want Germans to be genocided
>America steps in and stops the massacres and promotes leniency on the Germans
>America subsides and buys German goods at a loss to help German industry rebuild
>Everyone opposes German reunification
>Bush persuades France and the UK to let the Germoids unite
>Germany unites
>STUPID MUTTS ruining the WORLD we HATE you!
Honestly should of let the French and slavs have a field day.

It would have been immoral to do so, our country used to have morals

You guys were allied with Stalin.

LMAOing at you

If we are. We're the lesser of two evils(the bigger evil being China)

in reality you could look at it as co-belligerents, since the idiotic axis powers declared war on everyone

It's all about perspective.

Us both being at war with the axis, doesn't mean we were allies. I swear the Swedish autism is real

that's a pretty good idea

We genuinely need to invade Germany and kill all Germans once and for all

I would be first to enlist

Keep defending your abhorrent past, and present for that matter.

The US has a long history of supporting vicious dictators, and still does.

>Says the guy from a country that had to constantly be fucked up because they kept attacking their neighbors

You guys don't have a list of dictators you have supported.. you know why?

Because you're irrelevant as fuck, even fucking Brazil has more global influence than you guys

inb4 muh IKEA

>doesn't mean we were allies
Your name was literally "the Allied powers", also called "the Allies".

You are literally, per capita, the global leader in selling weapons

Go look at who you’ve armed in the past

Oh shit, forgot about the millions of Americans attacking from the Russian side. Shit sorry about that man, i'm like soo stupid.

We even kept selling Iron to the Germans and fueling their war machine to the very end, that was like super messed up for us.


It was satire? Thought i didn't need the /s because this isn't /reddit/

He was saying we were allies with the Soviets, even though we didn't deploy to the eastern front, to hurry the collapse of the Germoids.

He was saying we were the aggressors with the Soviets, even though the Swedes were supplying the Nazi's till the very end with material and aid.

>Marshall islands
>East Timor
>Papua New Guinea

Hitler was better than Stalin.


Go suck on a mutilated cock, Jorge.

I thought that's what you were alluding to, but I can't always be sure, this place isn't always clear since it's as inane as Jow Forums


Both were terrible, both are now gone


>Intervenes in your war
>Airstrikes your women and children
>Napalms your villiage

Yea we're *totally* the good guys

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Some cunts have relatively done much worse
Like I don't think France has as many notable incidents of perfidy or war crimes the way anglos do

No but we're not the good guys either. We're a flawed stabilizing factor that geopolitically can't really be countered except by China and Russia to a minor economic and military extent respectively. We create a modicum of geopolitical stability but that's it. We don't truly shift the world to be better or worse. We've just prevented major conflicts.


gtfo of my country you brown chink

I don't want to start a shitposting thread but I've got to know: Why do Americans love ghosts so much?

Some cunts wanna be left alone but jingoistic animals like americans want everyone on the planet tto live under their boot

t. 1% Polish

t. 56%

Nice argument. I hadn't thought about it that way, thanks for the valuable input as always Austria user

To much of Jow Forums you are sweetie.