1)your country

1)your country
2)post your country's royal family

>Two Sicilies
>pic related, with royal palace in the back

Attached: Borbone.png (810x339, 677K)

Other urls found in this thread:


they're not a royal family though since they've been deposed

imagine rolling down that in a zorb ball


Attached: Borbone2.png (601x525, 703K)

inbred asf


Attached: BorboneTrump.png (476x236, 330K)

imagine wanting inbred FRENCH royals to rule over your pathetic self

>Bourbons of Naples


don't want them either but that's how it is
at least you're not cucked like spain and sweden and actually deposed them though, vive la révolution


I imagine cruiseing around the palace grounds in my chevy silverado

>not wearing socks

Who would bow down to someone who's feet are bare? How dreadful!


every thread related to italy

the Royal palace of Caserta is the largest in the world and the most beautiful

Attached: caserta.png (679x355, 600K)

ultimate cuck

pic is from 2017

Attached: 6645677.jpg (784x523, 68K)


Our royal family.
And Britain's
And Australia's
And New Zealaind's
And Jamaca's

Attached: palace-social-media-plan.jpg (768x512, 92K)

I don't want to!

This is the most normal photo I could find.

Attached: koning-willem-alexander-koningin-maxima-prinses-catharina-amalia-prinses-alexia-en-prinses-ariane-zo (1250x924, 167K)


Attached: Familia_Real-Felipe_VI-Casa_Real-Monarquia-Reina_Letizia-Leonor_de_Borbon_Ortiz-Sofia_de_Borbon_Orti (1706x960, 225K)


Attached: 480662328.jpg (620x929, 72K)

superlative cuck

Attached: Solliden.jpg (718x567, 456K)

why don't you get a couple of your mates and go down to that Buckingham palace and kill the old bag?

the Iberian Union
webm related

Attached: Felipe and daughters.webm (1280x720, 2.99M)

There are no good images of the modern Habsburgs, so I'd rather not post them

I feel as if she gets more attention than the one behind

Why would anyone do such a thing? I suppose you don't have a monarchy so you don't know what it's like

>Why would anyone do such a thing?
for money

>Regno di Sardegna e Piemonte

Attached: princess of italy 32.jpg (692x441, 52K)

Royal families are mutts anyway. Would be more fun if they were ethnically connected to the country completely.

They're not the legitimate house holders of Savoia

maybe she really does as she's the heir

Attached: comfy Felipe.webm (1280x720, 2.91M)

Stop saying this bullshit

Her granddad married a commoner which is against house laws, hence she's not legitimate. I know you're horny and want to fuck her, but that doesn't change fact.

its explained here youtube.com/watch?v=WK6Gw2wDalE


Attached: 1534720469612.jpg (1200x900, 336K)

"Bare" is fine Bettynho