Opinions of Black Americans?
Opinions of Black Americans?
ice people
They are honestly brotier. The black/white roommate combo is the unknown secret to success.
Get out of your tiny box, think of the possibilities my friend. If you knew how the social world works, youd understand how a white and black broduo could take advantage
i want those lips around muh dick
I like them.
Underrated with a prosperous future
They manage to trigger boomers purely by existing, so they’re based in my book.
>noooooooooooooooooooo don’t you know that 0.01% of ameriblacks are murderers???
They are literally the majority where I live
based american zoomers think they all live in a movie
find a flaw
based since they produce 99% of American pop culture
Mongrels, like all amerimutts.
Retarded, they won't accept the fact that they have no history or culture so they steal others, they also think Africa is a country. More than 60 niggers blocked me on twitter after proving to them Egyptians weren't black.
As King Senusret III said "Negros aren't allowed to talk or to rule by a word & the proper thing to do if they tried is to shut them up for ever!"
Worst kind of blacks in the world
unless you're a copt, they have about as much in common with the ancient egyptians as you do, achmed
No that would be brazilians
Big fan of when old manuscripts from the 1300s where various cultures talk about how blacks are just retarded and steal shit
Didn't a country where 25% percent of the population has aids and or hiv didn't have roads till the 20th century surpassed you in HDI?
the only Nubian dynasty that ruled Egypt, not only that, it was the last during the 3rd intermediate period, they had 0 accomplishments. out of 3000 years they only ruled for 100 years
Egyptians aren't ethnically arabs
It almost as if Europeans colonized all those HDI parts
Which manuscripts?
This one?
The Negroes are of all peoples those who most abhor injustice Complete and general safety one enjoys throughout the land (Mali Empire in West Africa)."
Or this one?
“There is complete security in the country (Mali Empire). Neither traveler nor inhabitant in it has anything to fear from robbers or men of violence. They do not confiscate the property of any Arab man who dies in their country, even if it be uncounted wealth. On the contrary, they give it into the charge of some trustworthy person among the Arabs, until the rightful heir takes possession of it."
-Ibn Battua, 14th century Arab scholar who traveled to China, India, East Africa, North Africa, and finally Mali.
Ours aren't so butthurt and all of them identify as brazillians
They're based as fuck
Ah when the europeans left bostwana only had 20 feet of road yet still pased Egypt who was also colonized by europeans
All Egyptians are Copts, whether you are a muslim or christian, also the word "Copt" means Egyptian
Made for BBC (big British cock)
No, those certainly are not the ones.
It was something along the lines of how a negro was hungry and he couldnt find food to steal so he stole a child and sold it into slavery instead
>most asshurt mutts on the planet
>not butt hurt
>No, those certainly are not the ones.
It was something along the lines of how a negro was hungry and he couldnt find food to steal so he stole a child and sold it into slavery instead
Then post it
>The Europeans only Colonized boswana
>Completely omitting south africa that had a currency at parody with the u.s dollar at its high point
>he's never kissed a giant sheboon's monkey lips and tasted a bit of cocoa
>he's never had a nigger with giant monkey lips wrap them around his cock
>incels on Jow Forums = whole country
Post what?
>bostwana is south africa
These manuscripts
shiiiiiieeeeeet, I done posted a thread today in ebonics and it felt real goo
>Trying to obfuscate what i am saying
What ones?
Based and redpilled pharoah
The amount times black people are mentioned vs the actual amount that use this board is fucking weird? Why is everyone obessed with blacks?
t. nigger
>being this much of retard
>It took you a whole 5 minutes to come up with that
Bet you took no time realize that bostwana isn't south africa
Question to the black people in this thread: Why are your women so loud and aggressive? Don't you guys prefer more feminine women?
>Yet again doubling down on obfuscation of the argument
I came with the idea Mexicans can stay but only if they take the citizenship for their illegal relatives away from a black person
cuz they don’t have a father to put them in check. and yea we do, which is why so many black dudes date white women. Unfortunately I’m not attracted to white women and most of blk women are whales with hella attitude.
What does south africa have anything to with bostwana?
Because you base your understanding on preconceived notions and the fact that you're a beta
asuperegyptian on youtube?
No, I base my observations on the number of times I've heard a black woman cussing someone out at full volume on public transport compared to the number of times I've heard white or asian women do the same.
He's claiming thats because if european colonization apparently he's not aware Egypt was also colonized he brought up south to make the argument that its was because if white settlers even though bostwana reached this development after colonization have only around 20 feet of road in the entire country
So basically you can't handle an assertive woman because its challenges your fragile masculinity?
No, I'm not attracted to male behavior, and prefer women who act more cute. Just like the bro that responded to me.
that's an ugly ass dude
This. Once you show proof they act like monkeys "ooga booga u not real egyption sciences is made by white so is fake ooga booga" "ooga booga egypt in africa so is blakk"
idk what's up with these people honestly, literally one dynasty was by nubians, and there were plenty of foreign dynasties in egypt but the natives have literally been there farming on the Nile for millennia and still are there. These people think Cleopatra was black too despite the fact that she was a literal Greek colonist. There's no point in arguing with these conspiracy theorists they never ever back up their claims without resorting to some form of circular reasoning.
How are UK zoomers any different, plenty of teenage blog faggotry comes from your shithole aisles.
This isnt real right
Not him but black and white culture mixes in a weird dissonant funny way if you're good friends. I remember a few of my black friends back in high school years ago and it was a blast hanging with them.
Maybe they blocked you because you refer to them as niggers, you know?
They trigger the fuck out of incels so they are based in my book
Its misleading but its real. He didnt rape rape her cause the girl apparently lied to him in a text and told her sex with her was legal in Britain when it wasnt. He still shoulda gone to jail.
Never called them niggers so they wont cry and report me for "racism"
He's not particularly attractive but I wouldn't call him outright ugly although he is borderline tbf. Plenty of fine English meat to go around though for African American qt's.
This. One of my closet friends was a Nigerian guy.
I had an email pen pal from Nigeria. He was a prince.
>they have no culture
imagine being so uneducated about your own continent.
>he's taking pride in being ignorant
well said, our sister mongrel republic
I think he's talking about them being Americans. Egypt is African in the way Turkey is Asian anyway
Nah, he's talking about Africans as in sub Saharans, not afro-americans.
They got some dicksucking lips