
Something on your mind? Don't worry if you are holding, nobody is gonna judge you here.
What will it be user?
China hustled?
What have you been holding through the holocaust?

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Other urls found in this thread:

i dont wanna talk about it.

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Bitcoin and monero I’m still up since when I bought in. Don’t buy scam coins OP. Avoid tokens and the justing will stop

Wish I had followed this chart sooner.

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I'm holding a top coin that I tried to shill here twice and got rejected by everyone, it feels so good seeing everything bleed and my coin being a top gainer in the last days. I'll never doubt how smart I am anymore.

It's just the way things are. everyone wants to believe in their own holdings. gains are tough to come by in these times. nobody wants to let go.

buy tether on bitfinex sir

price $0.98

buy up to $1

stop loss none

No one has used my referral code but I keep spamming it on Jow Forums. Can't someone please just use it :(

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Will I get fucked by AMB?

if it hasn't bleed that much over the past 6 days you may be fine

>held DGB from Jan 2014
>held REQ since Dec 2017
>held IOTA since Nov 2017
>held POE since Jan 2018
>mined some XVG and got dumped on before I could sell

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I'm holding rvn, btc, eth, and i picked up up some bat in December. Rvn and eth i mostly mined and am still mining.

I bought BAT at the high a few days ago, 0.8btc to 0.6 now

>bought XRP at $3.02
>bought LTC at $256
>bought TRX at $0.10 sold at $0.06 though
>bought ICX at $10.50
>bought NEO at $122
>bought ETH at $1350

Most of my money is in ETH right now, sold a lot of my shitcoins for a 50-90% loss. If there is anyone itt who is more justed than me speak up because I really feel like shit about this.

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meh read up on it myself
tl;dr: it's a meaningless speculation tool and it implies that we're in for a massive bear market still

I was going to buy Neo at 134 but I had an issue and didn't go through with it.

Been buyin Btc for 3 years now. Only at 12. Feels bad man.

>have a crypto business, making $6k/mo
>all i have to do is run it and let it grow naturally
>keep researching other business ideas
i need to just only focus on the one profitable thing i do but keep doing research and dreaming up other ideas. why cant i just buckle down and grind this out for a couple years while dumping all my profit into crypto so i can retire during the GBR

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Do any of you fags still day trade/swing trade alts in this current market? is such a thing possible? All I am seeing is 3-4% moves up and then sideways into another crash

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t. new retard

In 1876 economists and mathematicians theorised the existence of a economic-ecosystem that had reached a form of transcendence - creating an endless positive feedback loop. They proposed that such a system entering this state would begin what they called the Golden Bull Run. Various mathematical models were created to show what this Golden Bull Run would look like.

Through my PhD research I believe cryptocurrency may be entering the early stages of a Golden Bull Run. In this stage early investors could potentially earn an endless supply of wealth - as the system generates tangible wealth rather than just moving it around.

Economists believed that the slow nature of the stock market meant that harmful players could sabotage the emergence of the Golden Bull Run before it could get started. However it looks like the extremely fast paced nature of cryptocurrency means it is not susceptible to these types of attacks.

If I am right we could see something never before experienced in the history of the universe. Hold on while you can - takeoff is imminent.

I have to take the Series 7 eventually and really don't want to. Even the reduced, 125-question version.

no drinking for me user
I'm buying back in
I'm sitting at home friday night summertime sipping (redbull no sugar)
you'll see me in my 911 next summer 20k in 2015 to 3.2m december to 1.5m now
plan on getting up to 10m by 2020

I-I'm fine...

Your strongest whisky on the rocks please...

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gotcha user

I still have 130k bnty that was worth 80k+ usd at one point.

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I own 250,000 ODN

REQ, MOD, every other shitcoin shilled on reddit pretty much
Bought into it all doing 0 research and thought i was a genius when i was 10x in december

>Used to own .5 btc last year in OMG while BTC was 4k.
>Did not sell.
>Went down to .16 BTC.
>BTC started pumping.
>Was holding shit coins.
>Could have made 8k out of 1.7k investment.
>Have about .08 btc now in chainlink and req.
>At a loss with those coins..........
Welp. I only have about 600 dollars worth in crypto.....

Feels bad.

I'm happy for you

Did you buy in before or after the crash? I owned 216k ODN back when it was $1+. I'm extremely thankful that I sold before it all went to shit.

Looks like boobies

i lost a lot, but its not a loss unless i s-sell r-right guys

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Put $700 total in UUU. At one point I could have sold for nearly $1400, now it's worth $230ish. Got China hustled mayne